11 тысяч подписчиков
404 видео
transistors and small electronics and their analogues (heh) to programming.
understanding recursive functions
my approach to documenting code.
when using OSS you have to figure out whats right for you and possibly your company
Making an HTTP request in Bash without `curl` or `wget` - on *any* OS (Linux, Mac, illumos, etc.)
Parsing arguments in bash - You Suck at Programming
Why Rust is my favorite Programming Language (jk it's bash)
Self taught vs. schooling for tech
yes i also make music! look up 'dave eddy' on spotify or whatever app you use.
the `function` keyword and bash - what it is and how to use it.
Essential Advice for Aspiring Software Engineers
Why Learn the Bash Shell? My story why and how i learned the shell, and if you should too
this is bam margera and today we're gonna prank ape - viva la bash
Why I Don’t Personally Value Certifications in Tech Interviews
I gained 183k followers in 5 months?!
Celebrating 10K YouTube Subscribers - My Journey!
How to find Unix processes with `pgrep` and `pkill`
i'll compare youtube monetization to spotify monetization at the end of the year.
How to handle empty directories with `nullglob` in Bash - You Suck at Programming
I choose my tools because they serve a purpose - i'm not tied to them
this message is for one person specifically
CLI Tips and Tricks (with readline) to Optimize your Workflow - You Suck at Programming
Vim vs. Neovim and why i use what i use.
Should You Learn Vim? why i learned vim and my thoughts on text editors in general.
Programmer vs. AI - ChatGPT Bash Script critique and analysis
I love the BSDs (FreeBSD, OpenBSD) and I love OPNSense on my router!
nothing special about /etc when it comes to storing configs
my website is a bash static website creation tool lol. it's all opensource as well.
Understanding Unix Login Shells - You Suck at Programming
it's always good to have a backup plan for your home network
this is super nice - appreciate it.
Running a fork-bomb on Linux :(){ :|: & };: - You Suck at Programming
Managing Interactive Plugins with Bash - `bics` Bash Interactive Configuration System
interesting things will happen with this bash glob.
explaining Unix TCP sockets like you're 5 years old
newline characters in file names on unix
How to find Unix processes with `pgrep` and `pkill` - You Suck at Programming
server in a closet is definitely better than an enterprise cloud.
Void linux is absolutely my favorite Linux - it's so simple.
Bash Functions Explained - The Parentheses Are Optional.
Advent of Code 2024 IN BASH! (day 6, maybe more?)
Capturing return codes in Bash Functions and the gotchas - You Suck at Programming
Is the Sysadmin Job at Risk? Unpacking AI's Impact
Advent of Code 2024 in Bash: Day 4 - Ceres Search
there are a TON of different flavors and distributions of unix out there
understanding environmental variables and how they are passed via ssh
Why I Choose Mac Over Linux for Desktop Use - illumos on the server.
Order of commands on the Unix Shell - You Suck at Programming
Advent of Code 2024 in Bash: Day 6 - Guard Gallivant
Top Linux Distros - Why I Choose Ubuntu and Void