765 тысяч подписчиков
865 видео
The Future of UX Research: AI, Advanced Methods & Jobs with Lawton Pybus and Thomas Stokes, Ep23
Design Leadership at Scale with Wolfgang Bremer, Ep22
AI-Powered Service Design, Leadership, and Portfolios with Thomas Wilson, Ep21
Why AI Products Fail: Distrust and UX Psychology
UX for AI: Challenges, Principles and Methods with Greg Nudelman, Ep20
Design Engineering with Cursor AI for Product Designers - #UXLivestream and Q&A
UX Designer Roadmap: the Butterfly Framework - Design Tool Tuesday
3 Tactics for Confident Stakeholder Management in UX
What is Good Design in the Age of AI? - #UXLivestream and Q&A
Create a Magnetic UX Resume: The Course
UX Resumes Reviewed Live - #UXLivestream and Q&A
Interfaceless Future? (Neuralink, BCIs and the Need for UX)
Current Date and Time Functions | Axure RP: Noob to Master, ep46
UX Portfolio Design Checklist - Design Tool Tuesday
Really Good UX Examples - Design Tool Tuesday, Ep18
Interactive Image Zoom In & Out | Axure RP: Noob to Master, Ep71
UX Prototyping Tools: How to Pick the Right One (2021)
Junior UX Portfolio Review: Career Change to UX Design
Simplest Way to Make Duotone Photo Effect
Allow Users to Resize Objects in the Prototypes | Axure RP: Noob to Master, Ep49
AI Design Analytics Sketch Plugin - Design Tool Tuesday, Ep38
Why Human-Centred Design and #UX Cant Save the World
Dynamic Sort the Repeater List | Axure RP: Noob to Master, Ep73
Experience and UX Journey Mapping, P4: Live Mapping Effort with a User
No More Whitespace - Making Prototypes Fullscreen | Axure RP: Noob to Master, Ep47
Animated Background Particles (Snowflakes) | Axure RP: Noob to Master, Ep80
Scroll to Section of a Page | Axure RP: Noob to Master Ep13
Use Custom Fonts in Your Prototypes | Axure RP: Noob to Master, Ep53
The Power of Dynamic Panels | Axure RP: Noob to Master Ep6
Staying Up to Date with Axure: Drag and Page Load Events | Axure RP: Noob to Master, Ep78
Axure Calendar Picker with Repeaters | Axure: Noob to Master, Ep92
Great UX Microcopy & Content Design Examples - Design Tool Tuesday, Ep46
UX Prototyping with Axure Challenge #3
Conditional Logic and Condition Builder | Axure RP: Noob to Master, Ep81
10 Tips for User Testing Axure UX Prototypes | Axure: Noob to Master, Ep82
Will the #UX and Product Management Roles Merge in the Future?
Dynamic Checkbox List | Axure RP: Noob to Master, Ep70
Enable/Disable Form Submit Button | Axure RP: Noob to Master, Ep66
Creating a UX Case Study: Right and Wrong Way to Approach It
UX Trends for 2023 and Beyond: Automation, Design Process, and UX Industry Shift
Junior UX Portfolio: UX Research Focused Case Study That Led to A Job Offer
12 Mistakes Junior UX Designers Make
Creating Slideshows and Sliding Content | Axure RP: Noob to Master Ep5
Target Specific Repeater Item(s) | Axure RP: Noob to Master, Ep76
Self-taught Designer's First UX Case Study Reviewed
Pixel Perfect UI Design in Sketch - Sketch: Noob to Master, ep11
Goodbye Adobe CC - Why I Stopped Using Adobe Products as a UX Designer
Calendar Date Range Picker in Axure | Axure: Noob to Master, Ep95
Optimise Your Learning in UX (and Avoid the Tutorial Hell)
Interactive Pie Charts Tutorial | Axure RP: Noob to Master - Ep31
Functional Shopping Cart with Math Functions | Axure RP: Noob to Master Ep30
LIVE: UX Prototyping a Functional Game with Axure RP
UX Portfolio Review: Conceptual Junior UX Case Study
Junior UX Portfolio Review: UX Research and Design Case Studies
UX Resume Dos and Don'ts (as a UX Hiring Manager)
Junior UX Portfolio Review: 80+ Applications and Only 1 Job Interview. Why?
Premade and Free Widget Libraries | Axure RP: Noob to Master - Ep39
Developer Hand-Over and Inspect Tool | Axure RP: Noob to Master, Ep51
Play Audio Clips in Axure UX Prototypes | Axure: Noob to Master, Ep94
7 Principles to Become a More Creative UX Designer (or Anyone Else)
Dynamic Language Switch in UX prototype | Axure RP: Noob to Master, Ep85