36 тысяч подписчиков
61 видео
Image classification with Python and Scikit learn | Computer vision tutorial
How to start freelancing on Computer Vision | Step by step tutorial
Sign language detection with Python and Scikit Learn | Landmark detection | Computer vision tutorial
Emotion detection with Python, OpenCV and Scikit Learn | Mediapipe | Landmarks classification
Emotion detection with Python and OpenCV | Computer vision tutorial
Image generation with Python | Train Dreambooth Stable Diffusion | Face generation | Computer vision
How to become a ML & AI Engineer | Machine Learning and AI Roadmap
Parking spot detection and counter | Computer vision tutorial
Face detection and blurring with Python and OpenCV | Computer vision tutorial
Detecting color with Python and OpenCV using HSV colorspace | Computer vision tutorial
Train detectron2 object detection custom data | Computer vision tutorial
Train Yolov8 object detection on a custom dataset | Step by step guide | Computer vision tutorial
Yolov8 object tracking 100% native | Object detection with Python | Computer vision tutorial
Text detection with Python and Opencv | OCR using EasyOCR | Computer vision tutorial
Train Yolov10 object detection custom data FULL GUIDE | Computer vision tutorial
Yolov3 + OpenCV object detection in Python | Computer vision tutorial
Train Yolov8 custom dataset on Google Colab | Object detection | Computer vision tutorial
Computer vision roadmap | How to become a computer vision engineer
Text detection with Python | Tesseract vs Easyocr vs AWS Textract | What is the best OCR?
Object detection with Python FULL COURSE | Computer vision
Face recognition + liveness detection: Face attendance system
Train pose detection Yolov8 on custom data | Keypoint detection | Computer vision tutorial
Automatic number plate recognition with Python, Easyocr and OpenCV | Computer vision tutorial
QR reader + attendance system with OpenCV | Computer vision tutorial
Image Classification custom data train yolov8 in Google Colab for free | Computer vision tutorial
REAL TIME Number Plate Recognition with Python and AWS | Object detection and tracking | Yolov8
Learn Computer Vision in 30 Days | 30 Days coding challenge
Devin didn't solve my computer vision project
Image generation with Python & Stable Diffusion | Emotion detection synthetic dataset
Yolov8 object detection + deep sort object tracking | Computer vision tutorial
Computer Vision Roadmap [UPDATED 2023] | How to become a computer vision engineer
How much data you need to train a compute vision model?
Face attendance + face recognition with Python | Computer vision tutorial
Object Detection Web Application with Python, Streamlit and Detectron2 | Computer vision tutorial
Image classification with TensorFlow online NO CODE | Teachable Machine | Computer vision tutorial
Face attendance WEB APP | Face recognition | Computer vision tutorial
Object detection on Raspberry Pi Usb Coral | Real Time Yolov8 on Edge | License plate detection
Machine learning web app with Python, Streamlit & Segment Anything Model | Modelbit model deployment
OpenCV tutorial for beginners | FULL COURSE in 3 hours with Python
Image classification + feature extraction with Python and Scikit learn | Computer vision tutorial
Face recognition and face matching with Python and DeepFace | Facial analysis | Computer vision
Chat with an image | LangChain custom tools tutorial | Python Streamlit | Computer vision
Sentiment analysis with Python NLTK Scikit Learn & ChatGPT | Text classification | Machine learning
Train Yolov9 object detection custom data on Google Colab | Computer vision tutorial
Image classification WEB APP with Python and Streamlit | Pneumonia classifier | Computer vision
My experience as a freelance computer vision engineer
Train Yolov8 Instance Segmentation Custom Dataset on Google Colab | Computer vision tutorial
Machine learning with AWS practical project | Building a security system with Python
End to end pipeline real world computer vision project
Image classification with Python FULL COURSE | Computer vision