9099 тысяч подписчиков
3.6 тысяч видео
3 to 8 Decoder | Digital Systems Design | Lec-54
VHDL code for 2 to 4 Decoder | structural | Digital Systems Design | Lec-53
VHDL code for Decoder | Dataflow & Behavioural | Digital Systems Design | Lec-52
Decoder | 2x4 | truth table | Digital Systems Design | Lec-51
Comparator | 4 bit and 8 bit | Digital Systems Design | Lec-50
VHDL code for Digital Comparator | 2-bit | Part-2/2 | Digital Systems Design | Lec-49
Digital Comparator | 2-bit | Part-1/2 | Digital Systems Design | Lec-48
VHDL code for Demultiplexer | Structural and behavioural | Digital Systems Design | Lec-47
VHDL code for Demultiplexer | dataflow | Digital Systems Design | Lec-46
VHDL code for 4X1 multiplexer | dataflow model | Digital Systems Design | Lec-45
VHDL code Multiplexer | 2x1 4x1 | Dataflow & Behavioral model | Digital Systems Design | Lec-44
Multiplexer | 4x1, 2x1 | Logic diagram | Digital Systems Design | Lec-43
time stamping method in database | DBMS
interface design principle| part-2/3 | Software Engineering |
Framing in data link layer | Physical layer coding violation | Design Issues | Part-4/4
Synchronization methods | Synchronous Machines | Lec-27
root locus in control system examples
gain margin and phase margin in bode plot
attributes in dbms
4-Pole, 3-Phase Synchronous Machines | Example Problems | Lec-08
Relational calculus in dbms | Bhanu Priya
leftmost and rightmost derivations | Example-3 | TOC | Lec-55 | Bhanu Priya
High pass RC circuit | Pulse input | Pulse Digital Circuits | Lec-12
Arithmetic logic shift unit | Hardware implementation | COA
8085 addressing modes
Graph terminology | Data Structures | Lec-46 | Bhanu Priya
Heap tree | Min & Max heap | Data Structures | Lec-45 | Bhanu Priya
data gathering alogorithm | WSN | lec-45 | Bhanu Priya
continuous and discrete time signals |Types of signals |
Linked list | Single, Double & Circular | Data Structures | Lec-23 | Bhanu Priya
ambiguity in grammar example 1 | TOC | Lec-60 | Bhanu Priya
external css in html | by bhanu priya
User interface design Models | software engineering |
2d translation example | Transformation| Computer graphics | Lec-19 | Bhanu Priya
html background color change | by bhanu priya
TCL save point | sql queries |oracle database 11g version 2 | by bhanu priya
Wheatstones and Kelvins bridge | Problems | Electrical Instruments ( EIM ) | Lec - 45
arrays in c programming | declaration and initialization |
SQL injection | Web attacks | Web Technology | Lec - 58 | Bhanu Priya
Application layer | OSI model | CN | Computer Networks | Lec-24 | Bhanu Priya
pi pd pid controllers
object oriented methodologies in ooad | part-1
CSS Introduction | Web Technology | Lec-13 | Bhanu Priya
USART Architecture | 8251 | part - 1/2
Gray to Binary code converter | 4 bit | STLD | Lec-71
Lexical analyser | Phases | Compiler Design | Lec-5 | Bhanu Priya
how to change font style in html | by bhanu priya
FPGA Architecture | Configurable Logic Block ( CLB ) | Part-1/2 | VLSI | Lec-75
Prime implicants | Examples | Essential | STLD | Lec-47
HTML page structure | by bhanu priya
8251 interfacing with 8086
Extensible Markup Language (XML) | Web Technology | Lec-21 | Bhanu Priya
mod, power sqrt & trunc | sql functions | oracle database 11g version 2 |
PL SQL example
Line of Code (LOC) | software engineering |
Coding Decoding | Word | Part- 5 | Reasoning | Bharath Kumar
k- map Simplification | Boolean Expressions | STLD | Lec-44
Sorting in data base systems | Example | Bhanu Priya
nfa with epsilon | TOC | Lec-17 | Bhanu Priya
replace & substring | sql functions | oracle database 11g version 2 |
formatting text in html | text style | by bhanu priya
html text formatting tutorial | mark tag | by bhanu priya