668 тысяч подписчиков
534 видео
L19. Find all Pairs with given Sum in DLL
DP 2. Climbing Stairs | Learn How to Write 1D Recurrence Relations
DP 18. Count Partitions With Given Difference | Dp on Subsequences
G-17. Bipartite Graph | BFS | C++ | Java
L21. Reverse Nodes in K Group Size of LinkedList
L13. Preorder Inorder Postorder Traversals in One Traversal | C++ | Java | Stack | Binary Trees
🔴 The Ultimate CP Sheet For Coding Rounds and Contests at Codeforces Codechef
L5. Next Greater Element | Stack and Queue Playlist
Next Greater Element | Two Variants | Leetcode
L7. Previous Smaller Element | Stack and Queue Playlist
L11. Valid Parenthesis String | Multiple Approaches
L6. Next Greater Element - II | Stack and Queue Playlist
Find Second Largest Element in Array | Remove duplicates from Sorted Array | Arrays Intro Video
Launching Binary Search Bootcamp - C++, Java, Python, Notes, Contest, Doubt Support 🔥
L11. Subset Sum II | Leetcode | Recursion
BS-8. Single Element in Sorted Array
Merge Intervals | Leetcode | Problem-6 | Brute-Optimal | C++/Java
Merge Overlapping Intervals | Brute, Optimal with Precise TC analysis
L3. Introduction to Doubly LinkedList | Insertions and Deletions
G-53. Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column - DSU
L41. Ceil in a Binary Search Tree | BST | C++ | Java
2 Sum Problem | 2 types of the same problem for Interviews | Brute-Better-Optimal
L8. Combination Sum | Recursion | Leetcode | C++ | Java
Sort an array of 0s 1s & 2s | Intuition of Algo🔥 | C++ Java Python | Brute-Better-Optimal
DP 26. Print Longest Common Subsequence | Dp on Strings
Delete Node in a Linked List | Can you solve it ?
L1. Assign Cookies | Greedy Algorithm Playlist
C++ and Java |Brute-Better-OptimalFind the duplicate in an array of N+1 integers | Striver SDE Sheet
BS-4. Search Element in Rotated Sorted Array - I
BS-9. Find Peak Element
How to setup Sublime Text for Competitive Programming?
L12. Candy | Slope Approach Intuition Based
Launching the best DSA Course + Platform
L18. Delete all occurrences of a Key in DLL
L5. Fruit Into Baskets | 2 Pointers and Sliding Window Playlist
L44. Delete a Node in Binary Search Tree | BST | C++ | Java
Search Element In a Rotated Sorted Array | LeetcodeBS-4. Search Element in Rotated Sorted Array - I
G-54. Strongly Connected Components - Kosarajus Algorithm
L16. Delete the middle node of the LinkedList
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | Amazon
L28. Design a Browser History | LinkedList Implementation
G-10. Rotten Oranges | C++ | Java
Rotten Oranges (BFS) | C++ & Java Code |G-10. Rotten Oranges
G-9. Flood Fill Algorithm | C++ | Java
FIND THE STARTING POINT OF THE CYCLE | Knowing Algorithm is Okay, But Knowing The Intuition Matters
BS-27. Median in a Row Wise Sorted Matrix
Binary Search | BS-18. Allocate Books or Book Allocation | Hard Binary Search
Pascal Triangle | Finding nCr in minimal time
L4. Implement Min Stack | Stack and Queue Playlist
L2. Check for Balanced Parentheses | Stack and Queue