2 миллионов подписчиков
2 тысяч видео
Performance Testing with Real life examples | Software Engineering
Strings in C Programming | Concept of Strings in C Programming
Lec-6: Three Schema Architecture | Three Level of Abstraction | Database Management System
1370 Lecturer Vacancies | UPPSC recruitment 2021| | Freshers| BE/BTech | Exam Pattern | Syllabus
Daisy Chaining in Priority Interrupt | Priority Based Interrupt in I/O Organization
Lec-42: Left Outer Join operation with Example | Database Management System
Identifiers in C programming👩💻🧑💻 with example & execution
Insertion a node at the specific position | Python 🐍 for Beginners
Lec-112: View in Database | Oracle, SQL Server Views | Types of Views
Introduction to Neural Networks with Example in HINDI | Artificial Intelligence
Lec-40: File Handling in Python | Python for Beginners
Encoding Schemes | ASCII, ISCII & Unicode | CBSE Class XI
Lec-110: Single row and Multi row functions in SQL
L-2.6: Question on Shortest Job First(SJF) with Preemption Scheduling Algorithm
Lec-34: Sorting 2D Arrays in NumPy Python 🐍 with execution | Python 🐍 for Beginners
Lec-14: Routers in Computer Networks | Physical, data link and network layer device
Lec-76: Domain Name System (DNS) in computer Networks
Lec-31: Introduction to NumPy Library in Python 🐍 List vs Arrays in Python 🐍 with examples
Lec-109: Basic PL-SQL Programming(While, For Loop) With Execution | Part-2
Lec-77: All Concurrency Problems | Dirty Read | Incorrect Summary | Lost Update | Phantom Read
Top 5 Networking commands with execution | Computer Networks
Practice Question on Increment/Decrement Operator | Postfix | Prefix Example
Lec-7 Addition in Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal Number System | Arithmetic Operations
Introduction to Ensemble Learning with Real Life Examples | Machine⚙️ Learning
Lec-78: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP | All Application Layer Protocols | Computer Networks
Lec-29: Built-in Exceptions in Python | Python 🐍 for Beginners
Lec-55: Remove Unit Production from CFG(Context Free Grammar) in Hindi
Lec-125: SEQUENCE in SQL with Syntax & Examples
L-1.4:Types of Buses (Address, Data and Control) in Computer Organization and Architecture
Sql Triggers🔫 Real Life Example | SQL Interview♟ Questions🎯
Linker & Loader with example
Hello World | First program in Python
Lec-9: Introduction to Decision Tree 🌲 with Real life examples
Lec-10: Repeaters in Computer Networks | Physical layer devices
Lec-16: Introduction to Strings🎶 in Python 🐍 with Examples | Python for Beginners
System Testing with examples | Software Engineering
Lec-2: Convert Decimal to Any Other Base(Binary, Octal, Hex etc) | Number System
Lec-42: Postfix Expression Evaluation | Stack Application | Data Structure
Lec-38: Ethernet Frame Format (IEEE-802.3) in Data Link Layer
Lec-57 Difference between Delete, Drop & Truncate in SQL | DBMS
Lec-27: Introduction to Error detection and Correction | Computer Networks
SQL 5 Marks Question | CBSE class-12 Previous year questions
Lec-67: Ambiguous vs Unambiguous Grammar with examples | Conversion Ambiguous ➡️ Unambiguous
Lec-4: 2 tier and 3 tier Architecture with real life examples | Database Management System
Lec-15: Types of Attributes in ER Model | Full Concept | DBMS in Hindi
Lec-39: Natural Join operation with Example | Database Management System
Lec-12: Introduction to 8086 Microprocessor
Lec-7: Sign flag & Zero Flag in 8085 | Flag Register | Microprocessor
Lec-51: Implementation of Queue using Linked List | Enqueue() in Queue | Data Structure
Lec-5: Types of Registers in 8085 | Accumulator | General Purpose Register
Lec-4: Internal Architecture of 8085 Microprocessor | Working of 8085