24 тысяч подписчиков
333 видео
Exploring Connections Through Art and Literature
Making Thinking Visible: The Three Sides of Hamlet with Tom Heilman
Exploring Middle School Science
Timeline Activity
Introduction to Fairy Tales (6th Grade French Advanced)
Thinking Routines and Poetry
Exploring Character through Mathematics
Portrait de Fantine
Focus on Group Work and Student Perspectives
Why iPads?
iBook Review: Of Mice and Men
Tutorial: iPads, Google Drive and Explain Everything.
Auto email PDF flyers from a Google Sheet
Laptop Cart and Computer Lab Booking Procedures
Demo: Google Spreadsheet Gradebook
GSuite Solutions: Teacher Schedules and Google Calendar
Let me get that QR Code for you!
Curriculum Mapping: Custom Add-on for Inserting Standards
Curriculum Mapping: Bulk convert Unit Planner Folder to PDFs for printing
Curriculum Mapping with G Suite: Getting Started
Centrally Manage Your Google Classrooms with Google Sheets and Data Studio
IFTTT: Track Twitter Mentions in a Google Sheet
Voice Memos and Google Slides: Inserting audio into your Google Slides
Google Apps for HR: Checklist for IT items
G Suite: DIY Custom Approval Workflow Add-on Part 3
Inserting a YouTube video in Moodle
Bulk Delete Google Calendar Events with Apps Script
Google Docs: Bulk Find and Replace Images
Curriculum Mapping: New approach to Template Distribution
Google Classroom List View with Data Studio
Tutorial: Google Forms Copy and Paste Time Saving Technique
Tutorial: Approval Workflow with G Suite
Find and Replace in Google Docs with Regex
Manage Multiple Calendars with 1 Google Sheet
Apps script, Teacher Schedules, Google Calendar
Color Code your Primary Google Calendar!
Curriculum Mapping: csv Filtering in Datastudio
Create Repeating Calendar Events via Google From Submission
Demonstration: Advanced Google Forms and Sheets Attendance Book
AirParrot 2 and Reflector 2: The perfect couple
Demonstration: Autocrat Add-on, OnFormSubmit Trigger, and Copydown Add-on
G Suite: DIY Custom Approval Workflow Add-on Part 2