29 тысяч подписчиков
94 видео
Tying a Synthetic Surf Candy - False Albacore and Striped Bass Fly
Tying a Bucktail Surf Candy - False Albacore Flies
The Sand Eel Flatwing - Tying a simple and effective Striped Bass Fly
Squimpish Hollow Fly Tutorial
Tying Mikkelson's Epoxy Baitfish - False Albacore Flies
Tying the "Albie Whore" - False Albacore Fly
Tying the Deceiver Special - LIFlies Fly Tying Tutorial
VPA Vapor Riser/DAS Longbow Limbs
Salmon River Steelhead on the Fly 2019 Winter
Tying the Ultra Shrimp - Saltwater Shrimp Fly Tying Tutorial Striped Bass Fly
Rabbit Surf Candy Fly Tying Tutorial, LIFliesMike Saltwater Flytying
Tying the Popovics Siliclone Mullet - Striped Bass Fly Tying
Tying Some Squimpish Hollows - Live Saltwater Fly Tying