3 тысяч подписчиков
2 тысяч видео
W15D2: Creating Nested Objects with DRF
W6D1: Django ORM (1 of 1)
W4D4: Psycop and Python (1 of 1)
W4D4: Postgres & Python (3 of 3)
W19D3: React Context API
5 White Boarding Problems
W10D1: School API with Django REST Framework (1 of 2)
Intro to Coding Live JS Session 1
W4D4: Using Python with SQL: psycopg2 (2 of 3)
W11D3: HTTP Protocol
W11D3: Intro to HTTP (1 of 1)
W9D5: React Context API (1 of 2)
W4D2: Django ORM & PostgreSQL
W11D2 RESTful API design
3 SQL Queries
W13D2: Django CRUD (1 of 1)
W15D3: Using Django Authentication with One-to-Many Model
W4D4: Currying, Decorators, and Generators
W3D5: Lambda Functions + List Methods in Python (2 of 2)
W5D2: Django Apps / Django HTML Templates (1 of 1)
W3D3: Starting Validate Phone Numbers + Regex Capture Groups (extra)
W14D4: Django Class-Based Views, Debugging with VS Code
W12D3: Django Validators
W10D5: To Do List Challenge Review - Full-Stack App (1 of 1)
W13D4: Django Forms
W4-Bonus: CSS Review (flexbox, build a navbar, chrome devtools)
Git Workshop, Techniques & Tips, Pt. 1/3
W9D3: Unit Test with React + Vitest (1 of 3)
1 Intro to HTML & CSS
Skill-Link (Final Group Project)
W10D1: Deploying Django API to Heroku (2 of 2)
Week 3 Day 3 Intro to Coding Live JS
W6D2: Django ORM Queries (1 of 2)
W4D4: Python, SQL, & Psycopg2 (2 of 3)
Deal or Dragon - X-Ray Platoon Final Projects
1 Most Common Letter
Bonsai - X-Ray Platoon Group Projects
4 JavaScript DOM
2 Intro to React Hooks and Components
2 Big O notation
W2D4: List Comprehensions and Lambda Functions
2 Intro to PostgreSQL
W3D3: Recursion Pt. 1
4 Component vs Utility Libraries
W4D3: Class Inheritance
Foundations of Programming - X-Ray Platoon Group Projects
3 Responsive Web Design
W2D2: Higher Order Functions in Javascript
W4D1: Classes I
2.5 Hangman Demonstration (useState & useEffect)