14 тысяч подписчиков
774 видео
tinyML Foundation EMEA 2024 Innovation Forum - big takeaways!
tinyML Talks joint webinar with IEEE: The Intersection of SSCS and AI -- A Tale of Two Journeys
tinyML Research Symposium 2021: Quantization-Guided Training for Compact TinyML Models
tinyML Talks Germany: Efficient Multi-Objective Neural Architecture Search with Evolutionary...
tinyML Talks: Constrained Object Detection on Microcontrollers with FOMO
tinyML Talks: NanoEdge AI Studio: All On-Device Anomaly Detection for Industry 4.0
tinyML Talks: Unlocking TinyML: A Cost-Efficient Approach to Custom Microcontroller Design for AI...
AIAA / ASCEND 2024 -
ODL Forum - Aida Todri: On-Chip Learning and Implementation Challengeswith Oscillatory Neural,,,
tinyML Talks: Unleashing the Power of the New XIAO ESP32S3 Sense: Tackling Anomaly Detection...
tinyML EMEA - W. Hong Yeo: Smart and Connected Soft Biomedical Stethoscope and Machine Learning...
tinyML Summit 2022: Tiny models with big appetites: Cultivating the perfect data diet
tinyML Talks local Nigeria - Daniel Situnayake: Getting Started with TinyML : Train and Deploy ...
tinyML Talks local Germany Marcus Rueb: Introduction to optimization algorithms to compress neural..
EMEA 2021 tiny Talks: Lessons learned from building a TinyML-powered artificial nose
Unlocking TinyML Transform Performance Testing with New Datasets!
Tiny Tech, HUGE Impact: Valeria Tomaselli on the Future of tinyML
Deploying TinyML Models at Scale: Insights on Monitoring and Automation - Alessandro Grande
Behind the Scenes_ Satellite Launch and ISS Innovations!
How Two Labs Sparked a Game Changing Collaboration
Navigating the Risks of AI Humor Meets Responsibility
Mastering Data Fixing Label Errors for Better AI Models 1
Mastering the Endless Cycle of Machine Learning Success!
Unlocking Remote Sensing The Battle Against Methane Emissions!
tinyML BLUEPRINTS: How Does Edge AI Keep Pedestrians Safe?
Revolutionizing Satellites AI Detects Clouds in Space
tinyML Summit 2021 Partner Session: Tree Ensemble Model Compression for Embedded Machine Learning...
GenAI on the Edge Forum: On-Device Generative AI
Join us on Sept. 10th for our new livestream show BLUEPRINTS, which focuses on
tinyML Summit 2021 Keynote: Adaptive Neural Networks for Agile TinyML
Why TinyML Needs Better Datasets for Success!
Unlocking Future Research with Wake Vision Dataset!
Unlocking Real Time AI - The Future of Satellites
tinyML Talks: Processing-In-Memory for Efficient AI Inference at the Edge
Unlocking TinyML Challenges, Workflows, and Real World Solutions!
tinyML Summit 2023: A perspective on the trajectory from custom intelligent sensors to broad...
Meet the Genius Dr. Colby from Harvard!
Unlocking the Secrets of the Wake Vision Dataset!
Revolutionizing Anomaly Detection with Tiny ML Technology
tinyML TALKS: From the Cloud to the Edge: The Future of Language Models with Mahesh Yadav of Google
Mastering PERSON DETECTION Spotting FAKES Like a Pro!
Unlocking Scalability Overcoming Automation Challenges in Data Processing
Why Your AI Model Fails After Deployment!
Why Data is the KEY to AI Success!
tinyML Auto ML Tutorial with Nota AI - Introduction to AI Optimization with NetsPresso
tinyML Research Symposium 2022: A Fast Network Exploration Strategy to Profile Low Energy...
tinyML Talks: Unpacking the music genre recognition project from the TinyML Cookbook, second edition
tinyML Talks: Accelerate ML development with cloud-based Arm Cortex-M models