252 тысяч подписчиков
3 тысяч видео
Making your Python code write your Python code Discover Pythons ast module to see how you can an…
Whats new in PostgreSQL 11
Make Online yours How to customize Collabora Online
Python 3: 10 years later Looking back at Python evolutions of the last 10 years
Shipping a performance API on Chromium Experiences from shipping the Element Timing API
cargo deny Fearlessly update your dependencies
Kubernetes+GlusterFS Lightning Ver.
Beyond Trust - PostgreSQL Client Authentication
Writing a CNI - as easy as pie Write you own CNI (Container Network Interface)
Gomobile Android development with Go
Intelligently Collecting Data at the Edge Intro to Apache NiFi and MiNiFi
Bringing the Semantic Web closer to reality: PostgreSQL as RDF Graph Database
The Linux Kernel: We have to finish this thing one day ;) Solving big problems in small steps for m…
AGL as a generic secured industrial embedded Linux Factory production line controllers requirement…
Easily Secure Your Front and Back End app with Keycloak
Creating a dashboard with Laravel, Vue and Pusher
TLS Test Framework How to check if your SSL server is standards compliant and client compatible
Making the next blockbuster game with FOSS tools Using Free Software tools to achieve high quality …
ELI5: ZFS Caching Explain Like Im 5: How the ZFS Adaptive Replacement Cache works
Reverse Geocoding is not easy How doing another mundane geocoding service can provide exciting geos…
GeoServer Basics
Software distribution: new points of failure In a censored world
Postmodern strace
dav1d: 1 year later dav1d is a fast AV1 decoder
A Deep Dive into PostgreSQL Indexing
switchdev: the Linux switching framework running a mainline kernel on network gear
Platform independent CPU/FPGA co-design: the OscImp-Digital framework G. Goavec-Merou, P.-Y. Bourge…
sled and rio modern database engineering with io_uring
Call C++ from Rust with the cpp crate Interoperate with C++ libraries, using Qt as an example
A Thin Arbiter for glusterfs replication
Do You Want to Retry? Handling and Testing Network Failures
git-issue Git-based decentralized issue management with GitHub/GitLab integration
Merging System and Network Monitoring with BPF Merging packets with system events using eBPF
JavaParser: where should we head? How to generate, transform, analyze, refactor Java code
License compliance for embedded Linux devices with Buildroot
Hacking NodeJS applications for fun and profit Testing NodeJS Security
Writing Open Source Documentation for Open Source Projects How SUSE is documented and what we can l…
libsigmf: Human Tools for Extra-Terrestrial and AI Radios
Porting Debian to the RISC-V architecture Tales from a long quest
An ultimate guide to upgrading your PostgreSQL installation
Distributing DevOps tools using GoLang and Containers, for Fun and Profit!
Why is Django 3.0 a revolution for building websites with Python? From WSGI to ASGI and why it matt…
Introducing BuildStream A distribution agnostic build tool
Using BigBench to compare Hive and Spark versions and features BigBench in Hive and Spark
Compliance management with OpenSCAP and Ansible Using OpenSCAP and Ansible for compliance managemen…
Apache Etch: Efficient and feature-rich network services
Introducing OpenTAP - Open Test Automation Project A developer-first extensible test and measuremen…
Rumble in the Java Jungle
Linux Kernel Library A Library Version of Linux Kernel
Video Analysis using CUDA and OpenCV Detecting scene changes in videos using CUDA and OpenCV