32 тысяч подписчиков
240 видео
UIET Goonj Song | Panjab University Chandigarh
Converting Text to Speech | In English | Step wise step | FreeTTS | Java Tutorial
नींद का महत्व । What affects the Quality of Sleep | How sleep is important to our Health
ब्रह्मांड में सबसे उन्नत सभ्यताएँ । Types of Civilizations as per Kardashev Scale | Dyson Sphere
Blue Flag Beaches in India | भारत को 2 और ब्लू फ्लैग बीच मिले | 2022 | ब्लू फ्लैग के बारे में सब कुछ
नोबेल पुरस्कार का इतिहास | Facts about Nobel Prize | History of Nobel Prize
How do Eyes Grow | आंखें कैसे बढ़ती हैं | क्या हम जन्म के समय अपनी आँखों से देख सकते हैं
क्या है कुरील द्वीप विवाद | कुरील द्वीप विवाद किन देशों के बीच है | What is Kuril Island Dispute
हॉर्न ऑफ अफ्रीका में क्या हो रहा है | What's happening in the Horn of Africa
राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान दिवस 28 फरवरी को ही क्यों मनाया जाता है ? | National Science Day
क्या है रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध के पीछे का कारण? | What is the reason behind Russia Ukraine war
Are there Planets outside our Solar System | Search for Exoplanets | Kepler Space Telescope
Spotlight Effect | Circle Effect | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
How to add VIGNETTE Effect | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
How to Highlight Area on Map | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
How NASAs James Webb Telescope is different from Hubble Telescope | Part 2| Size
नॉर्वे में नोबेल शांति पुरस्कार क्यों दिया जाता है | Why is the Nobel Peace Prize awarded in Norway?
Geographic Information System Openmap Tutorial L1 Opening Shape File in Java using Netbeans
Blended Text Effect | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
Creating GUI in Java | JavaFX HelloWorld | Step wise Step Tutorial
How to delete only audio from Clip | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
Using the Program Panel | Remove part of sequence | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial
Create Linear Wipe Effect | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
How to Create Highlight Text Effect | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
Blur moving Faces | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
Adjustment Layer | How to use Adjustment Layer | Apply Video Effect on Multiple Clips
Add Responsive Design feature to motion Graphics | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
Setting up the Development Environment for Building Spring Framework 5 application using Netbeans
How to Create Typewriter Text Effect | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
How to Create Luma Fade Effect | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
Changing day to night with stars in Premiere Pro | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
How to Create Text Shine Effect | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
How NASA's James Webb Telescope is different from Hubble Telescope | Part 1| Orbit Location
Source patching and Track targeting | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial
Export as Motion Graphics Template | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
Reverse a Clip Faster | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
Using the Source Monitor panel | View and Trim Media | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial
Replacing Sky in Premiere Pro | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
Exploring User Interface | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial
Spherical Text Animation | Spherize Animation | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
Spring Framework 5 webmvc using Java Configuration Tutorial | Step by Step using Netbeans IDE
Creating Keystore and Truststore for SSL/TLS | Step wise step Tutorial
Optical Character Recognition | Text from Images | Tesseract | Step wise Step Java Tutorial
How to Flip Video | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
UDP Communication using Java Netty Framework 4.1.55 | Step wise step Tutorial
How to Create Number Counter | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
Mask Auto Tracking | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
Blur Sides of Vertical Video | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
Add Crawling Text in Premiere Pro | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts
Corner Pin Text Animation | Corner Pin Effect | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial | Youtube Shorts