594 тысяч подписчиков
594 видео
osu! phd: a comprehensive introduction to every skill
I Hired a Coach, He Didn't Know I Was Pro
When osu! players touch the Human Benchmark test...
Do top osu! players know more than 6 digits?
I hosted an osu! Jeopardy gameshow...
playing osu with a raw egg until it breaks
explaining the osu!lazer precision heatmap
the most powerful way to find new osu! maps
osu! Is Dying
Best tip for switching to tablet on osu!
how to get out of bad days on osu
a common sign your tapping technique is bad
aireu flexes in btmcs gameshow
aireu the osu! world cup mvp
the future of osu!'s ranking system (hint: not pp)
Let's Play osu! Episode 89: Lazer Multiplayer
This osu! tier list will upset you
how to REALLY know if you're overranked on osu
what long stream practice maps actually help with
The osu! Community Is Bad
osu! KPS Key Overlay for OBS (+ transparent background)
Wooting Two HE Unboxing & Review (you will not believe)
osu! pp counter setup for OBS (+ how to change font)
This osu! Anime is Amazing
osu! q&a ~ mindblock, reading with rhythm, flow aim, practice diffs, finger control [livestream hl]
how to disable osu score submission (read description)
the simple way to spin 400+ rpm on osu
osu! Tapping Stamina Study
Let's Play osu! Episode 52: Custom Lazer Mods
aireu SCREAMS in btmc's game show
Let's Play osu! Episode 54: Speed & Rate Changing
how to master finger control: the flamingo method
osu tapping technique incredible discovery
why you SHOULD play pp farm maps
should you learn to alternate or just singletap?
Will Stetson: English Utaite, Burnout, and Being a Full Time Singer | honmi Podcast
Let's Play osu! Episode 30: Hard Rock
How to REPLACE MP3 of an osu! map
Let's Play osu! Episode 29: Hidden
If I can't FC your top play in 1 try, you get supporter
osu! Coaching Drama
Let's Play osu! Episode 78: Comparison
Let's Play osu! Episode 28: Warmup
osu! human benchmark 270bpm ???
Wooting made an osu! Keypad
Local offset is fixed in osu!lazer
USA OWC Post-Match Podcast #3 ft. Decaten, Utami, Rektygon, BoshyMan741, Apraxia, Sawada
the fastest way to learn EZ mod
If you're struggling with finger control, watch this 90 minute video
I tried speedrunning osu! achievements
osu! Finger Control Maps (Nekomata Master)
"140 BPM? more like, um..."
Let's Play osu! Episode 53: Mindblock & The "Random" Mod
this map is free pp