4 тысяч подписчиков
146 видео
ECS Lab in AWS DevSecOps
Secure API Gateway with API key
Terraform Cloud with HCP Packer and Azure
Integrate Nexus with Jenkins
AWS Data Pipeline - Exporting data from DynamoDB to S3
Host Static Website with AWS Certificate Manager, Route 53, S3 and CloudFront
Install Ansible and Connect to Remote Hosts with SSH
Custom domain API Gateway with Lambda file upload to S3
How to connect AWS EC2 with PuTTY
Migrate Azure DevOps to GitHub Enterprise Part 2
Ansible playbook to install java and tomcat in remote host
Functional testing automation with Selenium Headless Browser
AWS Lambda Layers to add Pandas and NumPy libraries
Selenium functional test automation with Jenkins
Open house Cloud, AI & Machine Learning for IT Professionals
Hashicorp Packer azure image build
Ansible playbook with jinja2 template to configure tomcat in Ubuntu VM
Terraform custom module and publish to terraform registry
Terraform backend state file management with aws s3
Terraform workspace and multiple environments
AWS Elastic ip explained
OpenAPI and Swagger for Spring boot API documentation
Run phpMyAdmin on docker using docker compose
Amazon Athena query to S3
Terraform best practices , top 10
Docker Image build and publish to Docker Hub with Jenkins by AWS Tech Guide
Azure custom Vnet, Subnet, Network Security Group setup
EKS Fargate step by step with AWS CloudFormation
Bootcamp Cloud Skills - Talent Development Academy end to end Solution Architect training programs
Terraform File System Mirror , Initialize terraform offline
Static Code Analysis with SonarQube and Jenkins
Migrate Azure DevOps to GitHub Enterprise Part 1
Open House for IT Professionals
ELK stack create and setup in Ubuntu
Hashicorp Packer image build for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud
Azure Cost export to Power BI dashboard
Create Webhook in github to trigger Jenkins job
GitHub Enterprise Signup
Setup Azure subscriptions, Management Group, Active Directory tenants
HCP Packer Registry for Azure image build
HCP Packer with Ansible
Azure BICEP using Azure DevOps Pipeline
Mathematical symbols in Jupyter notebook
Create a Virtual Machine in Azure and connect with PuTTy
Slack Integration with JIRA GitHub and Jenkins
Install Ansible on Ubuntu in Google Cloud Platform GCP
Create a maven project from command prompt
Azure DevOps signup and integrate Github with Pipeline
Azure User Role Assignment and MFA setup
Install SonarQube in Docker in AWS EC2
Set password for VM in Google Cloud Platform