Terminal ileum villi by LCI, BLI mode
Rutine EGD (with OLGA/IM biopcy) - Стандартная ЭГДС (с биопсией по OLGA/IM)
Acetic acid chromoscopy
Standard EGD with OLGA/OLGA-IM biopsy
Submucosal tumor in the descending colon. EUS-probe
Where is the lesion?
Deformation and scarring of the duodenal bulb. Diverticulous form.
Diverticulous form of the deformation and scarring of the duodenal bulb
It looks weird. The peristalsis in the colon
Cecal SSA/P. EMR
pEMR of caecal LST-GH
Gastric metaplasia of tne duodenal bulb.
Inlet patch. NBI. Biopcy
Flat serrated lesion of the ascending colon
Diagnosis and polypectomy of the polyp in the ascending colon in retofleсtion of the scope
Polyp-diverticulum in the sygmoid colon
Serrated adenoma. NB. Аcetic acid chromoscopy. Cold snare polypectomy
EUS-FNA. Adenocarcinoma G1 of the pancreas head
Flexibility of the SonoScape scop
SMT in GEJ by EUS-probe
Aberrant crypt foci
Cold snare polypectomy
Вебинар по гибкой эндоскопии с участием В.А. Яковенко и В.С. Корпяка
Delineation and resection of the flat serrated lesion
ESD for gastric SMT (full video)
ESD for gastric SMT
Diagnosis and cold snare polypectomy of flat (LST-NG) serrated adenoma
Avulsion of deminute tubulovillous adenomas by jumbo forceps cold polypectomy
Argon beam plasma ablation of flat deminute serrated lesions of the rectum
Something suspicious in the colon Что-то подозрительное в толстой кишке
Enveloping effect of oatmeal on stomach mucosa
Serrated adenoma. NBI and acetic acid chromoscopy
Polyp in appendix
Intubation of the terminal ileum in retroversion
STER of esophageal SMT
2 minutes for full colonoscopy
Screening colonoscopy in case of dolichocolon (full video)
Endoclipping of Dieulafoy's hemorrhage
Delineation of flat serrated lesion by acetic acid. Cold snare polypectomy
Tip-in EMR of LST-G of ascending colon
Water jet ileoscopy. Подводная илеоскопия
Inverted diverticulum vs sessile serrated adenoma
Acetic acid and EMR of cecal LST-NG
Submucosal tumor of the stomach.NET? Abrikosov tumor?
Screening colonoscopy (full procedure)
Acetic acid chromoscopy of flat colonis lesion (SSA)
Difficult cold snare polypectomy
Dieulafoy's duodenal hemorrhage
EUS in gastric linitіs plastica. Пластический линит, эндосонография