76 тысяч подписчиков
965 видео
MicroPython for Data-Driven Engineering
Define Python Functions with Multiple Inputs and Outputs
Python 🐍 Solve Vapor Liquid Equilibrium
Install Python 3.11 and Packages
Python 🐍 Print
Arrays in Python / Numpy
Import Data, Analyze, Export and Plot in Python
Subplots with Matplotlib in Python
Python Programming IDE Primer
Install Python Packages for Machine Learning
Install Python 3.7 on Windows or Linux
Python 🐍 Generate Random Number
IoT Humidity Control with a Raspberry Pi
Global Optimization with Python
Record and Plot Real time Data in Python
KKT Conditions with Inequality Constraints
Plots in Python with Numpy and Matplotlib
Linear and Nonlinear Regression in Python
Python 🐍 Libraries and Custom Functions
Install Python on M1 MacBook
Python 🐍 Solve Nonlinear Equations with fsolve
Conditional (IF) Statement in Python
Hybrid Machine Learning with Seeq SysID
Maximize Profit with Demand Curve
1️⃣ Basics of Python in Data-Driven Engineering
Intro to Python for Data-Driven Engineering
5️⃣ Python Dictionary in Data-Driven Engineering
Unlock Athletic Potential with Machine Learning
Pandas for Data-Driven Engineering
Machine Learning and Dynamic Optimization Course
Introduction to MathCAD for Engineers
Install Python 3.8 on Windows
High Index DAE Solution
Install Python Modules
Solve ODEs and Minimize Objective
Sustainability: Future of Process Systems Engineering
RAG Similarity Search with ChromaDB
Data Science 🐍 Install and Overview
Python Modbus
Python Import Online Data and Analyze
Arduino Lab Intro in MATLAB and Simulink
Python 🐍 Import and Analyze with Pandas
Double Inverted Pendulum
Linear Programming in Python
Python 🐍 Lists and Tuples
Symbolic Manipulation in Python
Data-Driven Engineering Course Introduction
Python File Input and Output
Linear and Polynomial Regression in MATLAB
Hyper-Parameter Optimization
Linear and Polynomial Regression with Python GEKKO