99 тысяч подписчиков
116 видео
WOTLK Enhancement Shaman Short PvE Guide - Spellhance in Wrath: Gear, Talents, and more
WOTLK Spellhance - Naxx 25 Noth the Plaguebringer: Enhancement Shaman PoV
Will Enhancement be the #1 DPS in WOTLK? - Spellhancement PoV: Naxxramas 25 Anub'arak & Maexxna
WOTLK Enhancement Shaman - Gluth, Naxxramas 25-Man: Spellhance Shaman PoV
WOTLK Enhancement Shaman - Thaddius, Naxxramas 25-Man: Spellhance Shaman PoV
Lost Ark *ARGOS PHASE 2* Shadowhunter PoV (Demonic Impulse) - Raiding in Lost Ark 1390 iLvl
Lost Ark Shadowhunter *ENGRAVINGS GUIDE* for Demonic Impulse - Which engravings should you go?
Lost Ark Shadowhunter PvP Commentary - My thought process while playing Shadowhunter in PvP
Lost Ark Shadowhunter DPS Check - Tier 3 Demonic Impulse Build (1347 iLvL)
Lost Ark Shadowhunter Tier 3 Gameplay (Guardian Raid Igrexion MVP) - Demonic Impulse Build
Lost Ark Shadowhunter *DEMONIC IMPULSE* Rune Guide - HUGE Power Spike for Shadowhunter
30% MVP in 8 Man Raid - Lost Ark Shadowhunter Demonic Impulse (Tier 2, 1080 GS)
Lost Ark Shadowhunter PvP Build - NA Launch Shadowhunter Guide
Lost Ark Shadowhunter 1,000,000 Damage Game - Shadowhunter PvP
Lost Ark *END-GAME* Chaos Dungeon & Guardian Raid Gameplay - A New Player's Perspective on Endgame
TBC Classic Pre-Patch Enhancement Shaman - Parsing in Molten Core
Lost Ark Shadowhunter 49% Damage MVP *DEMONIC IMPULSE* - Alberhastic 1080 iLvl Guardian Raid
TBC Classic Enhancement Shaman - 99 Parse on Maiden