2 тысяч подписчиков
77 видео
PAGEBUILDER Removal using Gutenberg blocks - CASE #1 (slider, product carousel)
WordPress Backup Plugins 2019 Review - BackWPup, WPvivid, Updraft
Ultra-fast server file transfers using WGET
Disable WP-Cron and use real CRON JOB - better performance & reliability
Top 5 MINIMAL Gutenberg block library plugins for WordPress
Bricks WordPress theme and pagebuilder review
Sendy self-hosted email software review
WordPress Gutenberg Basics PART 6 - setting up block animations
Linux Distro for Web Servers - UBUNTU vs CENTOS
WordPress Gutenberg Basics PART 1 - enabling gutenberg, create and edit blocks
Top 5 PRE-STYLED Gutenberg block library plugins for WordPress
Customize CSS for WordPress admin
CloudPages managed WordPress hosting - initial review
Breakdance - WordPress pagebuilder review
WordPress Gutenberg Basics PART 3 - enable block editor on custom post types (CPT)
WordPress Gutenberg Basics PART 5 - replacing pagebuilders, prebuilt layouts, template parts
Greenshift - WordPress Gutenberg pagebuilder blocks (with animation)
Cwicly – WordPress Gutenberg pagebuilder review
Stylus browser extension - CSS styling tricks
Neve - WordPress theme review (compared vs GeneratePress, Kadence, Blocksy, Astra)
WordPress Gutenberg Basics PART 4 - create custom (category) archive page templates
BEST Gutenberg Pagebuilders for WordPress 2023
Cloudflare settings for WordPress - detailed explanation
Swift Performance cache plugin - best settings for WordPress
WP Fluent Forms - WordPress plugin review
CloudPanel - control panel review (install & demo)
What is a CDN (content delivery network) - why and what benefits for WordPress
Clone database in phpMyAdmin (easy way)
What is Cloudflare (DNS, CDN) - benefits for WordPress
WordPress Security Plugins Review - WordFence, Cerber, Sucuri, iThemes Security, and more!
Scalahosting REVIEW - traditional web hosting & SPanel demo walk-through
Kadence Theme - STARTER TEMPLATES (review & demo)
Local-load Google webfonts in DIVI pagebuilder (in just 5 minutes)
WordPress Gutenberg Basics PART 2 - installing and setup third-party blocks
Pinegrow Web Builder Review for WordPress (failed demo walkthrough)
BEST WordPress Themes 2023
LiveCanvas HTML/CSS pagebuilder for WordPress - REVIEW
MemberPress - WordPress membership plugin review
TOP 3 (BEST) WordPress Cache Plugins