5757 подписчиков
86 видео
Creation of GIF with Python
Voice notifications using python
Arduino: Programming and interfacing of stepper motor to Arduino Uno
Arduino: Programming and Interfacing of multiple LEDs to Arduino Uno
Python: How to create QRCodes for weblinks using python
Python: Python code to convert PDF to DOCX
Tips: How to use Excel worksheet efficiently
Decoder using Vivado
Demultiplexer using Vivado
RS flipflop using Vivado
JK flipflop using Vivado
Encoder using Vivado
Assembly language programming 8085:single, two, three-byte instructions programming and execution
Digital signal Processing: Auto and cross-correlation explanation and MATLAB code
Python Fundamentals: Exceptions: try, except, handling multiple exceptions, use of else and finally
Assembly Language Programming 8085: ASCII to BINARY code conversion
Arduino : Interfacing of Buzzer and Push-Button with Arduino
Python Fundamentals:Strings: inbuilt methods for searching strings, string alignment, and partition
Assembly Language Programming 8085 : ASCII to packed BCD
Python Fundamentals: type( ), isinstance( ) functions, Data types: Numeric and Boolean