41 миллионов подписчиков
221 тысяч видео
Are we chasing dreams or just running? | Sofía Tuane | TEDxVitacura
Artistic Expression within Athletic Pursuits | Lee Reddington | TEDxAllendaleColumbiaSchool
The Everyday Ally | Nina G | TEDxSJSU
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Zombies | Brandon Lowery | TEDxLSCTomball
TEDxHarkerSchool - Guy Kawasaki - The 12 Lessons I Learned from Steve Jobs
How to manage for collective creativity | Linda Hill | TEDxCambridge
TEDxRyersonU - Hecham Ghazal - Parallel Human Processing
Hustle With Purpose | Kareem Rahaman | TEDxRyersonU
Sugar is Not a Treat | Jody Stanislaw | TEDxSunValley
A call for global climate justice | Chisom Udeze | TEDxFrogner Youth
Opening our Ears to the Deaf Pamela Weisman at TEDxCoMo
Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport | TEDxTysons
Community-Driven Innovation with Collective Impact | Kevin Sweeney | TEDxWPI
The Power of Visual Storytelling | Danial Shah | TEDxCEU
Finding an Identity as a First-Generation Immigrant | Kriti Gupta | TEDxUnionvilleHS
Melodrama | Nela | TEDxZagreb
Otizmden Öğrendiklerim(iz) | OYTUN ERBAŞ | TEDxKaleiçi
The 3 Magic Ingredients of Amazing Presentations | Phil WAKNELL | TEDxSaclay
Change Your Perspective and Change Your Story | Toya Webb | TEDxDelthorneWomen
Evaluando para un mundo mejor | Leonardo Herrera | TEDxUSCO
The Muslim on the airplane | Amal Kassir | TEDxMileHighWomen
Brasshouse | Too Many Zooz | TEDxNYIT
Leading Business Innovator and Governance Expert | Carlos Donzelli | TEDxUFTM
How ballet prepared me for life’s challenges | Candace Lu | TEDxYouth@GrandviewHeights
Education For All | Cameron Allen | TEDxKids@ElCajon
Own Your Expectations: How to Set Your Personal Goals | Ryan Yang | TEDxYouth@GrandviewHeights
Go Outside and Play with Your Friends | Dr James OKeefe | TEDxRNCM
How to believe in yourself: Jim Cathcart at TEDxDelrayBeach
Emerging Technologies | Tom Edwards | TEDxOakLawn
Gen Zs mental wellness harmed by need to be perfect teen | Myren Bobryk-Ozaki | TEDxYouth@SanDiego
In the beginning was the code: Juergen Schmidhuber at TEDxUHasselt
Me and my invisible orchestra — Qara | Группа Me and my invisible orchestra | TEDxAlmaty
Psychodrama: A transformational and innovative technique | Dr. Magdalene Jeyarathnam | TEDxNITTrichy
The Fear of Starting | Mark Soderwall | TEDxRedding
Hajime NARUKAWA [ 鳴川 肇 ] - TEDxSeeds 2011
Core Values - Your Inner Compass | Larisa Halilović | TEDxFerhadija
I am Racist and So Are You | Betty Lee | TEDxYouth@DaeguIntlSchool
Howling for Hope: The Importance of Catharsis | Sally Grayson | TEDxStuttgart
Аутентичная Мотивация- Индивидуализация и Предназначение | Антон Криворотов | TEDxSechenovUniversity
Self Motivation | Brendan Clark | TEDxYouth@BarnstableHS
A perspective on fat loss | James Smith | TEDxBundaberg
Слова, которые меняют мир - Секреты публичных выступлений | Anna Ivanova | TEDxUdmurtskayaUl
Pioneering Progress | Angela Liu | TEDxAppleby College Youth
Why e-learning is killing education | Aaron Barth | TEDxKitchenerED
Why you will fail to have a great career | Larry Smith | TEDxUW
90 seconds to change the world | Alan Greene | TEDxBrussels
The First 1000 Days | Johan Morreau | TEDxTauranga
The Future of Solar Energy | Juntao Xi & Zifan (Jonathan) Xi | TEDxBASIS Nanjing Youth
The Power of Words: Susan Wranik at TEDxArcadiaUniversity
A Champion for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | Taylin McGill | TEDxYouth@GrandviewHeights
Why a grieving psychologist joined the circus | Sherry Walling | TEDxBreckenridge