64 тысяч подписчиков
601 видео
Function Overloading (Using Class & Object) Program in C++ | Function Overloading | C++ Programming
Queue in Data Structure | Introduction to Queue | Queue Operations | Data Structure
Pseudo Code | Algorithm Using Pseudo Code | Different Ways of Stating Algorithms | C Tutorial
Tree and Tree Terminology in Data Structure | Data Structures | Telugu
Unions in C language | Difference between Structure and Union | C Programming | in telugu
Defining Member Functions in C++ (TELUGU) | Inside the Class | Outside the Class | C++ Programming
Infix to Postfix Conversion | Arithmetic Expressions | NOTATIONS | Data Structures | Telugu
Algorithm for Push,Pop,isEmpty,isFull,Peek Operations on a Stack Data Structures | Stack Operations
Introduction to Applets in Java(Complete Explanation) | Applet in Java | Java Programming | Telugu
Program to Implement Thread Methods | Thread Methods in java | Java Programming | in Telugu
Enumeration in C with Program | Enum Datatype in C | Enumeration | C Language | Telugu
XSL (Extensible Style Sheet Language) | XSLT | XPATH | XML | PART - 8 | Web Technology
What is XML | Introduction to XML | XML | eXtensible Markup Language | PART - 1 | Telugu
How to delete duplicate videos on youtube playlist in telugu | 2020 | By Sudhakar Bogam
Database Schema | What is Schema? and Types of Schema | DBMS | Telugu
Java Virtual Machine | JVM Architecture | What is JVM? its Architecture(Detailed explanation) telugu
Introduction to DBMS | What is DBMS | Database Management System | DBMS | Telugu
Iterative statements in c | Looping Statements in C | C Programming | By Sudhakar Bogam | in telugu
Two Phase Locking Protocol in DBMS | Concurrency Control | DBMS
Breadth First Search | Breadth First Search Graph Traversal | BFS Algorithm | Data Structures
Unary Operator Overloading in C++ Practical | Operator Overloading | C++ Programming
Kruskals Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree | Kruskals Algorithm | MST | Data Structures | Telugu
Abstract Class and Abstract Method in Java | Abstract Class Program | Java Programming | Telugu
Map Function in Python | Usage of Map() Function | Python Programming | Telugu
Extern Storage Class in C++ | Storage Classes | External Variable | C++ Programming | Telugu
Arrays in JavaScript | JavaScript Arrays | Arrays | JavaScript Tutorial | CLASS-39 | Telugu
Switch Statement in C-Language (Practical) | Switch Case | C-Language | Telugu
Variable and Scope of Variable in JavaScript | JavaScript Tutorial | CLASS-31 | Telugu
Break Continue and Pass Statements in Python | Jump Statements in Python | Python Tutorial | Telugu
DEGREE BSC JAVA IMPORTANT QUESTIONS | OU | #sbtechtuts #shortvideo #viralvideo #importantquestions
Construct Binary Tree From Preorder and Postorder Traversal | Binary Tree | Data Structures | Telugu
Internal DTD | XML DTD | XML Validation | Web Technology | PART - 5 | Telugu
DEGREE BSC DBMS IMPORTANT QUESTIONS | OU | #sbtechtuts #shortvideo #viralvideo #importantquestions
Method Passing Parameters in Java | Java Method Passing Parameters | Java Programming | in Telugu
Draw a Flow Chart To Find the Largest of Three Numbers | Flow Chart | C Programming
Depth First Search | DFS Graph Traversal with Example (Complete Explanation) | Data Structures
Python Variables | Variables in Python | What is a variable in python | Python Programming
Queue Implementation Using Array | Implementation of Queue using Array with Program | Data Structure
DML Commands in SQL | DML (Insert, Select, Update & Delete) Commands | DBMS
Function Overloading Program in C++ | Function Overloading | C++ Programming | Telugu
Like Clause in sql | Like Clause in SQL with Syntax and Examples | DBMS
DDL Commands in SQL | DDL (Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate and Rename) Commands | DDL Queries | DBMS
Input and Output Statements in Python | input() & print() Functions in Python | Python Programming
Self Join in SQL with Example | Joins in SQL | DBMS Tutorial | Telugu
Two Dimensional Array in C | Arrays in C language | C Tutorial | By Sudhakar Bogam | in telugu
Types of Variables in Python | Local and Global Variables(Scope and Lifetime) | Python Programming
How to Write and Execute Python Program | Python (Interactive & Batch Mode) | Python Programming
E-R Model in DBMS | Entity Relationship Model & its Components(Entity,Attribute&Relationship) | DBMS
Distributed Database(Introduction&Features) | Distributed Database Management System | DBMS | Telugu
Tuple in Python | Python Tuples(Creating,Indexing&Slicing)Complete Explanation | Python Programming
What is CSS in HTML(PART-1) | Inline Style Sheet | Cascading Style Sheet | HTML | CLASS-20 | Telugu