64 тысяч подписчиков
601 видео
Function Overloading (Using Class & Object) Program in C++ | Function Overloading | C++ Programming
Input and Output in JavaScript | Prompt Box,Alert Box & Confirm Box | CLASS-34 | Telugu | JavaScript
Interface in java | Interface in Java with Example | Java Interface | Java Programming | in Telugu
List in Python | What is List Data type and How to create List in Python | Python Programming
Double Linked List (Insert Begin, Insert End, Delete Begin & Delete End) | Data Structure | Telugu
Sets in Python | Python Tutorial for Beginners | Python Sets | Python Programming | in Telugu
Reference variable in c++ | Reference Variable in C++ with example | in telugu | C++ Programming
Built-in Exceptions in java | Java Built-in Exceptions | Exception Handling |Java Programming
Single Linked List in Data Structure | Single Linked List Operations (Insertion) | Part-1 | DS
Thread Creation in Java | What is Thread in Java | How to create a thread in java | Java Programming
Polymorphism | What is Polymorphism ( Types of polymorphism ) | C++ Programming | Telugu
Difference Between StringBuffer and StringBuilder | Java Interview Question | Java Programming
Multithreading Program in Java | Program to Implement Multithreading in Java | Java Programming
Types of Arguments in Python | Arguments(Default, Required, Keyword & Arbitary)| Functions | Python
Data Types in Python | Python DataTypes(List, Tuple, Mapping, Set, Range, None) | Python Programming
XML DOM | Document Object Model | HTML | PART - 10 | Web Technology
Python Keywords | Keywords in Python | Python in Telugu | Python Programming
List Methods in Python | Python List Methods (Complete Explanation) | Python Programming
Method Return Value in JAVA Practical Explanation | Call By Value | JAVA Programming | Telugu
Data Types in Python with Practical Explanation | Data Types in Python | Python Programming
Python Identifiers | Identifiers in Python | What is Identifier in Python | Python Programming
String Functions in C-Language (Practical) | String Functions | String.h Functions | C-Language
Call by value in C-Language Practical | Function Call by value | C Programming
Input and Output Statements in Python with Practical Explanation | Python Programming
Distinct Clause in SQL | Distinct in SQL with Syntax and Example | SQL Queries | DBMS
Aggregate Functions in SQL | Group Functions in SQL | SUM(),AVG(),MAX(),MIN(),COUNT(*),COUNT(exp)
DISTINCT Clause in SQL Practical Explanation | DISTINCT | SQL | DBMS | Telugu
Virtual function in c++ | Runtime Polymorphism in C++ | Dynamic Polymorphism in C++ | C++
How to Download and Install Java JDK on Window 7/8/10 | How to Install JDK and Set Path | in telugu
Method Return Values in Java | Java Method with Return Values | Java Programming | in Telugu
Character I/O Functions(fgetc()&fputc()) with Programs using Files in C | File Handing | C Tutorial
Files in c | File Handling(fopen(),fclose(),fgetc(),fgets(),fputc(),fputs(),fprintf(),fscanf()) | C
Bitwise Operators in Python | Operators in Python | Python Tutorial for Beginners | in Telugu
Call by Value and Call by Reference in Java | Call by value | Call by reference | JAVA | Telugu
Final Class in Java with Example Program| Final Keyword in Java | Java Programming | in Telug
Enumerated Data type in C | enum Data Type in C with Example Program | enum | C Programming
Deadlock Prevention in DBMS | Deadlock Handling Methods (Timestamp, Wait-die, Wound-wait) in DBMS
Call by Reference in C-Language Practical | Function Call by Reference | C Programming
Data Fragmentation | Horizontal, Vertical, Mixed Fragmentation | Distributed Database | Telugu
Single Linked List Program with Execution (Practical) | Single Linked List | Data Structures
Database Recovery Techniques | Log based Recovery, Shadow paging, Checkpoint | DBMS
Timestamp Ordering Protocol | Concurrency Control | DBMS
XML Schema | XSD | XML Schema Definition | PART - 7 | Web Technology | Telugu
Static Member Function in C++ | C++ Practicals | Static Members | C++ Programming
Database Security in DBMS | Database Management System | Telugu
DBMS Architecture | Logical DBMS Architecture | DBMS | Three Level of Abstraction | Telugu
Difference between Generalization and Specialization | Generalization vs Specialization | DBMS
Parameterized Constructor in C++ | C++ Practicals | Constructor
Difference between While and Do-While | While vs Do-While | While loop and Do-While
Single Circular Linked List Program with Execution (Practical) | Linked List | Data Structures