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Day 20 of 30 days of #calving. #cattlefarm #cow #cattleranch #farmlife #farm #ranch #ranchlife #calf
How much beef is actually in a cow?
Cattle barn is finally ready!!!
Mud Season arrives & we have a missing newborn calf!
Keeping cattle fed during this
Storm damage & finally in the hay field!
She came in a little too hot!
Dumb mistake while pregnancy checking cows.
Day 14 of 30 days of
Chasing turkeys, patching fences, & preparing for more cattle to arrive this week.
Missing calf mystery resolved!
The hay is not in the barn
Day 21 of 30 days of
Missing Calf Mystery
Somedays stink more than others!
Let’s get rollin’!!
Day 13 of 30 days of
Breaking stuff & spending money!
Memorial Day Hay!
Check out AgGearStore.com and use discount code: HURRICANE to get 10% off!
Wranglin’ a heifer to pull a calf
Hay is coming home, but not before we break something!
Day 19 of 30 days of
A quick breakdown of the basic setup of our gathering pens and working facility at our home farm.
Tired mama. Hungry baby!
Stray heifers come back home & more cattle are sent to town!
Beef, beer, & bikinis…. must be summertime!!!
Day 12 of 30 days of
Day 18 of 30 days of
Day 11 of 30 days of
Green grass, no mineral and wildfires!!!
Wife is leaving me! Tires are falling off! What else can go wrong?!?
Calf rescue!
Turnout day, catching calves, and more!!!
Now, we pray for rain
Day 17 of 30 days of
Mowing down a championship!!
Rotating pastures. We do this to maximize the forage quality of each pasture.
Have we decided to sell the cows?
HCF goes to LA!!!
Shipping more cattle & chasing strays
Castrating bull calf.
Placentas are just falling out everywhere!
Never ending fence repairs!!!
Just ranchin’!