149 тысяч подписчиков
218 видео
The TALLEST educational BUILDING in the world. What’s inside?
Exploring MSU: Historic Building, Famous Alumni, and Russian University Experience + Uni Vocabulary
Why did an Australian move to Siberia, Russia?
How to order food in a restaurant IN RUSSIA? | Vocabulary for making an order | Soviet-style café
Want to learn Russian? Start or continue with the Russian Speaking Club
Useful Russian idioms that native speakers use in daily conversations
TOP 10 most used preposition in Russian | TIME and PLACE, and LOCATION prepositions
TOP 10 Iconic Soviet Movies (Watch for fun & learn Russian phrases and slang)
What a fancy movie theater in the center of Moscow looks like | Cinema vocabulary
LEARN RUSSIAN with TV series | Daddy's Daughters - Russian sitcom about 5 daughters and their father
How to order food in Russian? Exploring New Year's fair on Red Square
Exams week in Moscow State University | How studying at MSU look like? | Learn Russian Language
Russian holidays
LEARN RUSSIAN with TV series | Kitchen - fun Russian comedy series
Fun fact about Russian names!
In the shop. Learn some Russian vocabulary
Top difficult Russian words to pronounce with solanodasilva
Girl names in Russian
Never do these things in Russia
Difficult Russian sound
Is it worth learning the Russian language? | Interview with a polyglot
Idioms in Russian
Only Russian Speakers can read this word!
Boy names in Russian
Planets in Russian
Russian lesson with a teacher
Cardinal directions in Russian
Russian New Year's Traditions
Russian Speaking Club
CIS countries in Russian
How to introduce yourself in Russian?
Russian adjectives to describe the weather
Learn New Year words
Russian letter
Soviet cartoon "Nu pogodi"
When you are annoyed. Russian phrases to express your feelings
Russian verbs
Learn Russian words! In the kitchen.
This is why it’s difficult to learn Russian!