6 тысяч подписчиков
521 видео
Is it a skill issue or just bad luck?🤨😭💀
100 Dummies Vs NUKE FRAG GRENADE...
Apex Legends Imperial Guard Collection
Revenant Rework " Revenant Reborn " In Apex Legends
Next Apex Legends Collection Event Coming In Season 15
This P2020 Buff Is AMAZING!
Apex Legends Season 18 Weapons Buffs & Nerfs!
You Can BLOCK Damage With Conduit's Ultimate...
How To GAIN LOTS Of LP In Season 19 Of Apex Legends
OG Wraith VS New Wraith In Apex Legends...
We Have An UPDATE!!
Mid Season Update GAMEPLAY...
Newcastle Heirloom GAMEPLAY...
Duos Is BACK In Apex Legends...
you could get a head start RIGHT NOW...
KNOW this BEFORE playing THE NEXT MAP...
Apex Legends Imperial Guard Collection Event Skins, Prize Tracker And Item Shop Store
#1 Ballistic Tells YOU How To Kill Grind In Apex Legends! (#1 on PC)
Rarest Octane Skins In Apex Legends...
Season 19 RANKED Changes...
Let's Spin The WHEEL And Make A Weapon In Apex Legends
How FAST can I make a RECOLOR in Apex Legends...
it's this easy to make a RECOLOR...
They Removed It :(
Playing Rhapsody on *PC* Apex Legends!
The NEW Heirloom In Apex Legends...
How: 150 Heirloom Shards In Apex Legends Season 20
5 Weapons That Should NEVER Be FULL AUTO In Apex Legends...
Impulse Grenade In Apex Legends...
Valkyrie's Prestige Skin Is Going To Be Amazing When It Drops In Apex Legends Season 17
Pathfinder buff that just makes SENSE!
MYTHIC Grenades In Apex Legends
Zone Wars Are Coming To R5R Apex Legends!
I miss OG Apex Legends...
Fade on PC is here...
how FAST can i get to the TOP of Skyhook
why this Weapon SUCKS
how to make a PRO PLAYER mad 💀
Pathfinder could grapple teammates banners... 🔥🔥
I BUFFED Wattson 5 Times In Apex Legends!
Duo's Is NOT COMING To Apex Legends Season 22!
TOP 10 Rarest Octane Skins In Apex Legends...
Rhapsody In Apex Legends
Mirage Can Teleport To Decoy's In Apex Legends Season 22...
Will I Get An HEIRLOOM Out Of 100 APEX PACKS In Apex Legends
A Free Heirloom Is Dropping In Apex Legends...
I added the Impulse grenade into Apex Legends
You can find out how close you are to an heirloom in Apex Legends