37 тысяч подписчиков
205 видео
How to PROPERLY Concede a Game of Magic: the Gathering!
MTG - How to 3D Print Tokens for Magic: the Gathering!
MTG - Legacy Death's Shadow Deck Tech & Games!
MTG BRAWL! (Story & Spellbook) Sit Down and Chat!
How to Draft - Literally!
Favorite Cards from HUGE Dominaria Leak!
Like Google for MTG - Scryfall!
MTG - Opening Fifth Dawn and Conflux! - The Time Spiral Ep 9!
FOIL PROXIES - Fast Beginner Method for Inkjet!
MTG - 40K Sub Q&A!
Ravnica Allegiance Prerelease Deckbuild & Games!
MTG - 20 MUST PLAY Commander/EDH Cards for Magic: the Gathering!
MTG - FULL Core 2020 Prerelease Guide! Win Your Event!
MTG - Ravnice Allegiance Pack Opening and Draft Thoughts!
MTG - 5 COLOR Ravnica Allegiance Draft & Games!
Alter Sleeves - Product Review!
MTG - FULL M19 Core Set Prerelease Guide! Win the Magic: the Gathering Prerelease!
MTG - FULL Ravnica Allegiance Prerelease Guide! Win Your Event!
EPIC M19 Five Color Draft & Games!
GP Vegas Report!
MTG Word Puzzles 2 - Electric Boogaloo!
MTG - M19 Sealed Deck Construction & Matches!
MTG - Core M20 Advanced Tips & AVOID These Cards!
MTG Guilds of Ravnica Prerelease Deck/Games - DIMIR TOO GOOD!
MTG - Advanced M19 Prerelease Guide - Cards to AVOID and Dragon Interactions!
The Mythic Invitational - Death Throes of Competitive MTG?
MTG - FULL Guilds of Ravnica Prerelease Guide! Win Your Event!
MTG - M20 Sealed Prerelease Build & Gameplay - 3 CHANDRAS! :D
MTG - Guilds of Ravnica Prerelease - Strategies, Guild Rankings, Mechanics, and more!
MTG - Ravnica Allegiance ADVANCED Prerelease Guide! Strategies, Mechanics, Guild Rankings, and more!