64 тысяч подписчиков
205 видео
May the 4th be with you! Waiting for Solo - Lightsaber style
Kurzreview - YDDsaber "YDDsaber"
Nick Gillard in a talk about his life, career, and lightsabers - by Saberproject
Obi v Vader Rough Test - Star Wars Episode III Battle of the Heroes Behind the Scenes Reel
Lichtschwerter im Technik Museum Speyer 2023
Star Wars Celebration Europe 2023 - Lightsaber Action Clip
May the 4th be with you 2023
Rise of the Last Intern - Final Trailer - Release Date Announcement
Rise of the Last Intern - Story Teaser
Star Wars Celebration Europe 2023 - On the main stage
Lightsaber duel at Fantasy Basel by Saberproject
Saberproject Series Generation 2 Empties
Saberproject: RISE OF THE LAST INTERN - A Star Wars Fanfilm
Saberproject auf der Gamevention 2022
SNIPS - Ahsoka Tano: The Clone Wars lightsabers DIY kit
Star Wars Celebration Europe 2023 - Bridge fight
SP Origins: Legoland 2015 - Complete Lightsaber Show "Empire Games"
WDR Lokalzeit - Bericht über uns und Lichtschwerter
Project Area 51 - Mythen und Lego-Legenden (Episode 1)
Saberproject Shop Serienschwert mit Crystal Focus Saber Core 10 - Generation 2
Markus vs Tim practice lightsaber fight
SNIPS - Ahsoka Tano: The Clone Wars lightsabers DIY kit - Disassembly
SWR Aktuell - Kunst der Sterne
Intro Technik Museum Speyer - 10 Jahre Saberproject Shows bei den Science Fiction Tagen
Star Wars Celebration Europe 2023 - Arianna vs Markus
botanika battle - lightsaber duel