445 подписчиков
292 видео
Programming chess - lesson #7: Special Condition Movement
jQuery Codecademy lesson #8: Editing HTML elements
Ruby - lesson #40: Blocks, Procs, Lambdas Review
Python codecademy lesson #50: Working with Classes part 1/2
Command Line Codecademy lesson #8: grep and sed
Python codecademy lesson #9: Comparitors, Control flow and Conditionals
jQuery Codecademy lesson #2: Learning simple syntax
Python codecademy lesson #51: Working with Classes part 2/2
Python codecademy lesson #13: PygLatin project part 2/2
Ruby - lesson #38: Procs
Python codecademy lesson #8: Date and Time
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Programming chess - lesson #44: Working on check/mate (part 1/5)
Programming chess - lesson #46: Working on check/mate (part 3/5)
Programming chess - lesson #50: Working on pinning (part 2/2)
Programming chess - lesson #35: Undo a move (part 1/2)
Programming chess - lesson #51: Building the app!
Programming chess - lesson #45: Working on check/mate (part 2/5)
Programming chess - lesson #40: Don't die to Pawns
Programming chess - lesson #32: Special Moves (part 6/7)
Python codecademy lesson #15: Importing Modules, more about Functions
Programming chess - lesson #42: Avoiding Bishop and Queen fire
Programming chess - lesson #52: Patching bugs (part 1/2)
Programming chess - lesson #49: Working on pinning (part 1/2)
Programming chess - lesson #47: Working on check/mate (part 4/5)
Programming chess - lesson #37: Avoiding fire (part 1/3)
Programming chess - lesson #41: Avoiding Rook fire
Programming chess - lesson #43: Stalemate and fixes
Programming chess - lesson #33: Special Moves (part 7/7)
Programming chess - lesson #34: Keeping it DRY
Programming chess - lesson #53: Patching bugs (part 2/2)
Programming chess - lesson #36: Undo a move (part 2/2)
Programming chess - lesson #39: Avoiding fire (part 3/3)
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Programming chess - lesson #48: Working on check/mate (part 5/5)
Programming chess - lesson #38: Avoiding fire (part 2/3)
Command Line Codecademy (last) lesson #11: PATH to HOME
Python codecademy lesson #29: Battleship! part 1/3
Python codecademy lesson #17: Introduction to lists
Python codecademy lesson #26: Lists and functions recap
Python codecademy lesson #14: Functions and Function syntax
Python codecademy lesson #5: Strings and console output
Command Line Codecademy lesson #2: Learning the basics (part 2/2)
Python codecademy lesson #27: Using lists and functions together part 1/2