20 тысяч подписчиков
134 видео
Richard Jones - Introduction to game programming with Kivy - PyCon 2015
Harry Percival - TDD with Django, from scratch: a beginner's intro to testing and web development
Sarah Bird - Interactive data for the web - Bokeh for web developers - PyCon 2015
Andrew Montalenti - streamparse: real-time streams with Python and Apache Storm - PyCon 2015
Kurt Grandis - Exploring Minecraft and Python: Learning to Code Through Play - PyCon 2015
lvh - Distributed Systems 101 - PyCon 2015
Ying Li - Where in your RAM is "python san_diego.py"? - PyCon 2015
Michael Scherer - Ansible beyond YAML - PyCon 2015
Luke Sneeringer - Improve your development environments with virtualization - PyCon 2015
Christine Spang - To ORM or not to ORM - PyCon 2015
Mica Swyers, Jay Chan - Finding Spammers & Scammers through Rate Tracking with Python & Redis
Alex Gaynor - Techniques for Debugging Hard Problems - PyCon 2015
Lightning Talks - April 11th 17h30 - Pycon 2015
Thomas Ballinger - Terminal whispering - PyCon 2015
Keynote - Jacob Kaplan-Moss - Pycon 2015
Hynek Schlawack - Beyond grep: Practical Logging and Metrics - PyCon 2015
Pete Fein - Free Software, Free People - PyCon 2015
---Incomplete talk --- A. Jesse Jiryu Davis - Python Performance Profiling: The Guts And The Glory
Mike Howsden - Zen of Quality - How PBS measures QoS for digital viewers - PyCon 2015
Closing Messages - PyCon 2015
Curtis Lassam - Hash Functions and You: Partners in Freedom - PyCon 2015
Keynote - Van Lindberg - Pycon 2015
Keynote - Guido van Rossum - PyCon 2015
Tom Eastman - Serialization formats are not toys - PyCon 2015
Nicholas Tollervey - Lessons learned with asyncio ("Look ma, I wrote a distributed hash table!")
Jim Baker - A Winning Strategy with The Weakest Link: how to use weak references… - PyCon 2015
Lightning Talks - April 12th 08h30 - Pycon 2015
Allison Kaptur - Exploring is never boring: understanding CPython without reading the code
Type Hints - Guido van Rossum - PyCon 2015
Elizabeth Ramirez - Graph Database Patterns in Python - PyCon 2015
Christine Spang - WebSockets from the Wire Up - PyCon 2015
Keynote - Gabriella Coleman - PyCon 2015
Allison Kaptur - Bytes in the Machine: Inside the CPython interpreter - PyCon 2015
Smart services & smart clients: How micro-services change the way you build and deploy code.
Geoff Gerrietts - Performance by the Numbers: analyzing the performance of web applications
lvh - Building secure systems - PyCon 2015
Laura Rupprecht - Describing Descriptors - PyCon 2015
Ian Cordasco - Cutting Off the Internet: Testing Applications that Use Requests - PyCon 2015
Losing your Loops Fast Numerical Computing with NumPy
Sasha Laundy - Your Brain's API: Giving and Getting Technical Help - PyCon 2015
Greg Ward - How to Write Reusable Code - PyCon 2015
IPython & Jupyter in depth: high productivity interactive and parallel python - PyCon 2015
Brett Slatkin - How to Be More Effective with Functions - PyCon 2015
Ned Batchelder - Facts and Myths about Python names and values - PyCon 2015
Jim Baker - Getting to Jython 2.7 and beyond - PyCon 2015
Dan Tracy - Ship it: Deployments with Pip - PyCon 2015
Kenny Yarboro - Building a REST API Using Django & Django REST Framework - PyCon 2015
Hands-on with Pydata: how to build a minimal recommendation engine. - PyCon 2015
Fire your supervisord running Python apps on CoreOS
Chris McDonough - Using Supervisor For Fun And Profit - PyCon 2015