43 тысяч подписчиков
134 видео
O3 Day 1 Java Session 1
O3-Day 2 - Java Data Types and Operators
03 Day 3 Java - JDK,JRE,JVM, Procedural Programming , OOP, Class
O3 Day 4 - Java - Constructors & this keyword
O3 Day 5 Java this, inheritance,super
O3 Day 6 Static & Instance, Inheritance, super, method overriding, Overloading
O3 Day 7 is A and has A, Object Class, toString method, final method, final class
O3 Day 8 Access Modifiers, Public , Private, Protected and Default
O3 Day 9 Abstract Methods, Classes, Interfaces
O3 Day 10 Collections 1 Arraylist
O3 Day 11 Collections 2 - LinkedList, Set, HashMap, HashSet
O3 Day 12 - Collections 3 - Map, HashMap and TreeMap collection
O3 Webdriver 4 - Advance CSS Selector
Cucumber 3 - Data Driven testing with cucumber using Data table
O3 Framework 20 Jenkins GIT Integration, Jenkins Plugins, HTML Publisher
AutoIT tutorial 7 focus file, type name, click on save button
AutoIT tutorial 11 Parameterize AutoIt Script, Pass file path as argument
Appium Tutorial 05 - Fix Uiautomatorviewer unable to find adb error
O3 Framework 9 - Reviewing topics covered and pending
O3 Framework 8 add listener to class, How to run tests from command line using Maven
O3 Framework 22 Jenkins Master and Slave configuration
O3 WebDriver 21 Selenium Grid Configuration, Parallel test execution
Cucumber 6 - Running Cucumber feature file with TestNG
O3 Framework 3 First Test Case with Framework
O3 Framework 25 Part 1 - Properties file for loading framework configuration
Online Batch 2 Day 4 TestNG Assertion