183 тысяч подписчиков
935 видео
What is a Gene in Biology?
What are Photosystems? Difference between Photosystem I and Photosystem II (PS I vs PS II)
Difference between Codon and Anticodon with examples
Mitosis Animation
Flagella, Fimbriae and Pilus|| Cell Surface Appendages in Bacteria
The Cell Animation
Dilution and Dilution Factor in Microbiology|| How to Calculate Dilution factor in Serial dilution?
Lungs Anatomy 3D animation
Cell membrane Protein channels and Receptors Animation
Animal Kingdom | Phylum Porifera-Phylum Chordata | Main characters with examples | NEET Biology
15 Differences Between Plant Cell and Animal Cell | Plant cell vs Animal Cell
What is a Scientific Method? 9 Steps in Scientific Method
10 Types of Microscope || Simple to Electron Microscope Quick Revision
Difference between Sense Strand and Antisense Strand of DNA | Coding Strand vs Non coding Strand
Digestion in Stomach Animation || Parts of the Stomach
What is Reading Frame, Open Reading Frame and Coding sequence? Difference between RF, ORF and CDS.
How to Calculate CFU per ml of Bacterial Sample? in 3 Steps || cfu/ml in Microbiology
Difference between Cell Theory and Modern Cell Theory
Difference between Control Variable and Control Group in an Experiment
What are the steps of Binary fission? What is Z ring?
Steps Involved in the production of Recombinant Insulin. How Recombinant Insulin is produced?
Central Dogma of Molecular Biology with Example Sequence || DNA to RNA to PROTEIN
Virus trapped by Antibodies: Clash of the Titans
Amazon fertilized by Sahara Desert!
Human Body Internal Organs Animation
Types of Chromosomes
How to easily identify Mitotic Stages under Microscope?
RBC flowing through Blood Vessels
What is Genomics and Metagenomics?
Difference between Genomics and Metagenomics
What is Mitosis? Animation
International Tiger Day
15 DNA Structure Long Questions and Step wise Solutions and Explanation ||
Quiz on Human Eye | Multiple Choice on Eye Structure and Function | 25 Important MCQs on Human Eye
Difference between Hybridization and Genetically Modified Crop Hybridization vs Genetic Modification
World Biofuel Day
World DNA day
Digestive System Animation || How Food moves through the Digestive System?
List of Deleted Topics from NEET Biology 2024
Bacteriophage One Step Growth Curve
DNA Fingerprinting or DNA Profiling Steps || RFLP based & PCR based DNA Fingerprinting Application
What are Tandem Repeats in DNA? Short Tandem Repeats (STR) and its applications
Paul Berg Experiment || Construction of Recombinant or Hybrid DNA
RBC and WBC in blood Animation
Difference between Antigen and Antibody (Antigen vs Antibody)
Nervous System Animation
Bacteriophage 3D Animation|| Structure of Bacteriophage|| How Bacteriophage infect Bacteria?
How Blood Clots? Animation
Macrophage eating Cancer Cell 3D Animation | Phagocytosis | Immunology @biologyexams4u
Stages of Mitosis 3D Animation