41 тысяч подписчиков
169 видео
📵🚷Modern Dayooth's of kashmir. Important Reminder
Eye Opening WhatsApp Status of my Friend.
Paigam Hazrat Mir Syed Ali Hamdani r.a
How Muslims work from home. ❣️
A true Muwahid doesn’t demotivate the people.
DAWAH-Brief and Basic introduction (Call towards Islam)
Power of Dua (Supplication). Faith VS Hopelessness
How to choose a partner.Life changing.💯
labour exploitation in Kashmir.
Strange incident at Masjid
Tawheed gives you honour. Part-3.
Awkward questions from strangers-New normal in Kashmir.
Why Tafheem Ul Quran???
I am hijabi girl 🧕 muslim version of barbie girl 😍
That man is never alright.
انشودة دعوة الاخوان|| (Nasheed Dawat ul Ikhwan (Muslim brotherhood