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Universal Gravitation सार्वत्रिक गुरुत्वाकर्षण Physics For Board/Competitive exams in Hindi/English.
Electric Flux इलेक्ट्रिक फ्लक्स Physics for 12th and Competitive Exam for all board. #Physics II
Phantom read problem in database, Transaction management and concurrency control in Database(DBMS)
Capacitor (संधारित्र) Physics for 12th all boards and competitive exams in Hindi/English #All_Boards
File Handling, C program to copy data from one file to another file with explanation in hindi
Addition of two matrix Example of Array C programming in hindi lec - 22
Minimum Edit distance dynamic programming. standard dp problems
What is Mod (Modulo) and how to calculate mod of any number. Basic introduction of mad.
RSA Algorithm (Solved Example) in Cryptography and Network security in Hindi.
Numerical Examples of Electric Field and coulomb law, Physics for 12th in Hindi/Endligh.
Longest Palindromic Subsequence dynamic programming. standard dynamic programming problem
Electric Potential वैधुत विभव at a point due to a charge Physics for 11th/12th in Hindi/English
Count trailing zeroes in factorial of a number in O(log N) time Complexity
A simple Fraction, fraction to decimal convertor problem, interview/placement preparations.
6 - कक्षा 9 के लिए गणित, संख्या पद्धति, प्रश्नावली 1.6, Math for class 9, Number System, Exercise1.6
Basic Concepts of Electric potential, Physics for 11th/12th and competitive Exams in Hindi/English
Relationship between g and G, Complete Physics for 11th/12th and Competitive exams in Hindi/English
Intensity of Gravitational Field गुरुत्वीय क्षेत्र की तीव्रता Physics for 11th/12th in Hindi/English
Variation in Acceleration due to gravity g in going below, पृथ्वी की सतह से नीचे जाने पर g का मान |
Electric Potential वैधुत विभव Basic properties and definition Physics for 11th/12th in Hindi/English
Electric Flux and Gauss' Theorem इलेक्ट्रिक फ्लक्स और गॉस की प्रमेय Physics for 12/Competitive Exam
Rearrange Array Alternatively, interview/placement preparations, job preparations
3 - कक्षा 9 के लिए गणित, संख्या पद्धति, प्रश्नावली 1.3, Math for class 9, Number System, Exercise1.3
Electric Potential Numerical, वैधुत विभव Physics for 12th/Competitive Exam for all board
Laptop buying guide, choose best laptop for you, Laptops for Students, Engineers and for other uses.
Value of g due to rotational motion of earth पृथ्वी के घूर्णी गति के कारण g का मान Physics for 11/12
Newton Conclusions from Kepler's Law, Physics for 12th/Competitive Exam in Hindi/English
1 - कक्षा 9 के लिए गणित, संख्या पद्धति, प्रश्नावली 1.1, Math for class 9, Number System, Exercise1.1
Placement 1
Variation in Acceleration due to gravity g in going above, पृथ्वी की सतह से ऊपर जाने पर g का मान |
Applications of Gauss' Law 3, गॉस के नियम के अनुप्रयोग 3, Physics for 11th - 12th in Hindi/English.
Math syllabus for class 9, कक्षा 9 . के लिए गणित का सिलेबस (पाठ्यक्रम), Full course.
2 - कक्षा 9 के लिए गणित, संख्या पद्धति, प्रश्नावली 1.2, Math for class 9, Number System, Exercise1.2
Applications of Gauss' Law 4, गॉस के नियम के अनुप्रयोग 4, Physics for 11th - 12th in Hindi/English.
Capacity of an Isolated Spherical Conductor, विलगित गोलीय चालक की धारिता, Physics for 11th/12th.
Electric Flux Numerical, इलेक्ट्रिक फ्लक्स Physics for 12th/Competitive Exam for all board
Applications of Gauss' Law 1 गॉस के नियम के अनुप्रयोग 1, Physics for 11th - 12th in Hindi/English.
Potential Energy of a Charged Conductor, Physics for 11th/12th and Competitive Exams Hindi/English
4 - कक्षा 9 के लिए गणित, संख्या पद्धति, प्रश्नावली 1.4, Math for class 9, Number System
sunrise from the sky
Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion केप्लर के ग्रहों की गति के नियम 11th/12th Physics in Hindi/English
Law of Universal Gravitation गुरुत्वाकर्षण का नियम, Complete Physics for 11th/12th in Hindi/English.
5 - कक्षा 9 के लिए गणित, संख्या पद्धति, प्रश्नावली 1.5, Math for class 9, Number System, Exercise1.5
Nth Natural Number, find Nth natural number after removing all number containing 9, Job preparations
power of water
Dielectric and Capacitor, परावैद्युत तथा संधारित्र, Physics for 12th/Competitive Exam for all board.
9 - कक्षा 9 के लिए गणित, बहुपद, प्रश्नावली 2.3 Lec 9, Math for class 9, Polynomials, Exercise 2.3
dashrath Mahal
Gauss' Theorem, गॉस की प्रमेय Physics for 12th/Competitive Exam UP, Bihar, CBSC, ISE, other boards