73 тысяч подписчиков
341 видео
We found the BEST Bow Character in Genshin Impact
The Most ANNOYING Boss in Zelda ToTk
When you play Genshin Co-Op with your friends...
How to COMMUNICATE in Genshin Impact Co-Op
Why I Lost Hope with Genshin Impact...
Can 4 Anemo DEFEAT Setekh Wenut? (Genshin Challenge)
When Healers Challenged Azdhaha in Genshin Impact Co-op
How I got Kicked out in Genshin Co-op...
Playing Music for Strangers in Genshin Impact
How I Made FRIENDS in Genshin Impact Co-Op
Why Zhongli is the BEST Character in Genshin Impact
Breaking the Language Barrier in Genshin Impact Co-Op
When you bring Electro against Childe Boss in Genshin Impact
The CRAZIEST Challenge we tried in Genshin Impact
How I RUINED my Viewer's Account in Genshin Impact
The BEST Tactic for Windtrace Event in Genshin Impact
The Most USELESS Glitch in Genshin Impact
The BEST Hiding spot for Windtrace in Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Co op is pure Chaos...
I Never Knew This Crazy Amber GLITCH in Genshin Impact
Can 4 Lolis DEFEAT Signora in Genshin Impact?
Why Zhongli is the BEST in Genshin Impact
Can 4 Archon DEFEAT Raiden Shogun in Genshin Impact?
How to Correctly do Timmie's Comission in Genshin Impact
This is why you DON'T Pull for the Weapon Banner in Genshin Impact
We Created another PvP Mechanic in Genshin Impact
The Most IMPOSSIBLE Challenge We Tried in Genshin Impact
We caused CHAOS using 4 Guoba in Genshin Impact
the CRINGIEST Advertisement for Genshin Impact
The 2nd LUCKIEST Pull in Genshin Impact
I Never Knew this FACT about Dendro Hypostasis in Genshin Impact
Why Healer team is better than DPS team in Genshin Impact
This is How We KILLED The Turtle in Genshin Impact
The POWER of Archer Team in Genshin Impact
The LUCKIEST Pull in Genshin Impact
I found the PERFECT Artifact in Genshin Impact
The New Genshin Impact 3.6 Update is INSANE
The BEST part of the New Genshin Impact Update
Can 4 Anemo Catalyst DEFEAT Anemo Hypostasis? (Genshin Challenge)
Can 4 Guoba DEFEAT Cryo Hypostasis? (Genshin Challenge)
Can 4 Guoba DEFEAT Setekh Wenut in Genshin Impact?
The Most USELESS Teammates in Genshin Impact Co Op
The MOST Impossible Challenge in Genshin Impact
The CRAZIEST Amber Build in Genshin Impact
When There is "No Content" in Genshin Impact
What End Game looks like in Genshin Impact...
Making Friends in Genshin Impact Co-Op
The MOST Useful Teammate in Genshin Impact
We Challenged the BEST Boss in Genshin Impact
When F2P Players tries Abyss Floor 12 in Genshin Impact
Can 4 Guoba DEFEAT Oceanid? (Genshin Challenge)