85 тысяч подписчиков
215 видео
Environment Creation with Maya and Bifrost
Black geometry in Maya viewport
VDB Procedural Cliffs
Rock formations with heightfields
Procedural Modeling | First steps with Houdini
Creating Waterdrops in Maya 2022
Environment Creation with Houdini - Part 1
Fspy importer for Maya - Easy camera match
Avoid texture repetition in Maya
Bottom pivot python script in Maya
Procedural cliffs in Maya
Displacement map workflow from Zbrush to Arnold
Patreon Exclusive | Add side details to cliffs | Preview
Procedural Cliffs with Maya and Bifrost | Part 2
How to solve Maya's duplicated shape nodes error
God rays in karma xpu
Using Substance Designer nodes for Houdini
Custom Procedural Materials with Houdini and Karma
Layering textures in Maya and Arnold
Procedural assets and shading with Houdini and MaterialX
How to create a raspberry
Python in Houdini | Absolute to relative paths
Maya 2025 | Edge Damage with Bifrost
Transfer materials from 3ds Max to Maya
Direct and Procedural Modeling in Houdini
Python multi asset loader in Houdini
Vellum Balloon Text in Houdini
Create custom marking menus in the Hypershade
Church Ruins - Houdini Procedural Modeling Course | Trailer
Ask OpenAI to create python scripts for Maya
Python in Houdini | Create a texture importer for Solaris
Fun with OSL shaders in Maya
How to create Typography in Maya
RBD rock surfaces with Houdini
Procedural Bricks with Houdini
Layering displacement in Maya
Region renders for sequences in Arnold with filtermap
Quick Environment with Maya and Bifrost
Procedural Modeling in Houdini - Stadium part 2 on patreon
Product Shot in Houdini and Solaris | Part 2 | Patreon December
Alternative to Mask from Geometry in Houdini
Random Texture offset with Arnold
ZSCRIPT in Zbrush | Automate tasks
Procedural rocks with Maya and Bifrost
Roman Bridge - Procedural Asset Creation - Trailer
Procedural shading with karma | Patreon exclusive
Tree colour variation with Bifrost
Procedural Tips #3 VEX Shading and Loops
Quick Rock Cliff Setup in Houdini
Create UI in Maya to set Arnold subdivisions
Building Tools in Houdini with vex and python | Flatten Loop
Directional ambient occlusion with Arnold
Automate texture creation with Python in Photoshop
Designer like Materials in Cops | Houdini 20.5
Assign random shader to each object in Maya
Creating 3D Environments with Houdini and Arnold - Trailer