394 подписчиков
110 видео
Sketch-to-Face Transformation (STF) using DCGAN | Python | DCGAN
Python QR Code Generator #python #qrcode #website #simple
Prescription digitization, online preservation, and retrieval | PHP | CodeIgniter
Indian Currency Denomination Recognition and Fake Currency Identification | MATLAB
Coconut Disease Prediction System Using Image Processing and Deep Learning Techniques | MATLAB | CNN
Malware (Virus) Analysis and Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithms | SVM | DT | Random Forest
OLED Voltmeter
Heart Attack Risk Prediction Using Retinal Eye Images | Matlab
Crime Prediction Using Machine Learning | Mail | PHP
Multiple Garbage Detection using Mask R-CNN in TensorFlow
Classification of birds based on their sound patterns using MFCC and SVM classifiers | Matlab
Waste Segregation Using Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Tensor flow
Bone Fracture Detection Using CNN | MATLAB | Image Processing
Secure Image Encryption Technique Using Matlab
COVID-19: Face Mask Detector with OpenCV, Keras/TensorFlow, and Deep Learning | Python
Crack Mobile Passcode in 15 secs
Document Reconstruction Using generative adversarial network (GAN)
Symptoms Based Multiple Disease Prediction Model using Machine Learning Approach | Python | PHP
Multiple Feature Integration for Classification of Thoracic Disease in Chest Radiography | MATLAB
Cervical Cancer Classification using Matlab(DL) | MATLAB| Image Processing| Deep Learning
AI-based clinical documentation Using Machine Learning
Real-time Based Human Fall Detection From an Indoor Video | MATLAB
Real Time Detection of Skimming Devices in ATM through image processing | MATLAB | ATM Skimming
Comparison Between LSB, DWT and DCT | Image Steganography | MATLAB | MSE | PSNR