49 тысяч подписчиков
2 тысяч видео
I did it for the content… | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Insane Fishing Rod luck! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Insanely Lucky Turn 6 Wins the Game! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
The New Exodia Build! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Getting SUPER Lucky Murloc Trinkets on Flurgl! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
INSANE Quilboar Highroll! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Eating 30+ minions End of turn?! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Instant Golden Board?! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Eating 30+ Minions End of Turn?! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
WTF is this Shop bug?! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
10 FREE Magnetics per Turn with Beatboxer! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Let the Scaling Begin! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Tier-3 on TURN 2! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
More than 20,000 Stats from Leapers! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Golden 7-Drop on Turn 9 | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Quest Complete on Turn 4! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Stealing a Golden Brann! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
New Naga & Quilboar Card Reveal! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 8
Overwhelming the Lobby with BLOODGEMS! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
New Pirates! Season 8! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Turn 12 STILL on Tier 2?! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
NEW Elementals Season 8 Card Reveal! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Stealth Titus Feels Like Cheating... | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
7-Drop on Turn FIVE?! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
2 BILLION Stats?! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
The New Bomb Build! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds SEASON 8
150 Magnetics End of Turn?! #hearthstone #hearthstonebattlegrounds
INSTANT Win with this Trinket! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Super Greed Pays Off! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
60 Scallywags in 1 Fight! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
You Cant Lose with this Hero Power Luck! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
End of Turn: Trigger 24 Battlecries! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
*HUGE PATCH* Almost 60 Card Changes?! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
UNETHICAL Quillboar #hearthstonebattlegrounds #hearthstone
Elementals are S-TIER! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Making a Golden Minion Every Turn! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
An Incredibly TOXIC Combo... Hearthstone Battlegrounds
+10,000 Health in ONE Turn! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
KT Combo with Golden Chicken?! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Leveling Explained! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds Guide
MAXIMUM GREED! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Filling My Hand with Spells! | SEASON 6 | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
We Already Broke the Game... | Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos
8x Deathrattles Start of Fight... | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
7 Spell Shop?! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
12 win Warrior/Druid | Dual Class Arena
End of Turn: Trigger 36 Battlecries! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
+1,000/+1,000 End of Turn! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
FULL Golden Tier-7 Scaling! ft
TURBO SCALING! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds