25 тысяч подписчиков
38 видео
Path Of Exile 3.12 - gr0bbs Poison BV update and common questions answered! Still INSANE!
Path Of Exile 3.9 Metamorph - Poison BV - INSANE clearspeed and Single target (Budget Showcase)!
Path Of Exile 3.9 Metamorph - Poison BV endgame - INSANE clearspeed and Single target!
Path Of Exile 3.12 - gr0bbs Assassin Poison BV dual cluster setup UPDATE. 60mil+ DPS!
Path Of Exile 3.9 Metamorph - Poison BV Assassin - ilvl 83 conqueror kill
PoE 3.10 - Juiced EK Nova Assassin, Herald/Aura stacking abuse. NOT NERFED. Insane speed farmer!
Poison BV assassin easy tier 15+ maps - Reddit said my build was scuffed, lel noobs ;)
Path Of Exile 3.9 Metamorph - Poison BV - Tier15 Showcase with barely any of the required gear
PoE 3.13 Elementalist Ignite AUTOBOMBER - Screenwide Explosions - Big single target Ignites
Path Of Exile 3.10 Delirium - gr0bbs Poison BV Tier 16 Survivability guide and Cluster Jewel Guide!
Path Of Exile 3.9 Metamorph - Poison BV - Tier 16 Metamorph kill - Still far from max gear
Path Of Exile 3.9 - The Saviour, Nutty Speedy Berserker - Use any Melee skill! Insane clear Speed!
[POE 2] - Poison Pathfinder FULL BUILD GUIDE - 1 button shoot and run, easy , smooth proliferations!