91 тысяч подписчиков
340 видео
How 3DEXPERIENCE Edu improves hands-on learning for students | AQUILO team testimony
Preparing for Tomorrow: Skills and Needs in Aerospace & Defense industry
Why Switch from CATIA V5 to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform? | Customer Insights
Insights | What is the future of engineering? CATIA x Edu x TU Berlin
Project of the Year 2024 Winners
Develop the right skills for Industry Transformation
École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers Customer Story
SIGMA Clermont Customer Story
ISAE-SUPAERO Customer Story
Singarope Polytechnic Partnership
The journey of innovation: WHEEL-E project by Valentin
Export a 3dxml File in 3DEXPERIENCE
Getting Started Topic 2: User Groups and Collaborative Spaces
Teaching simulation-driven experiences with SIMULIA
Lifelong learning with Dassault Systèmes
Assembly Station
CATIA Student Edition - How to uncompress the files
Getting Started Topic 5: xDesign Basics, My Content, and 6WTags