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1.5 тысяч видео
Completely new/enhanced HY Pulmonary PDF
"How should I take notes from NBME and UWorld explanations?"
Brand new PDF release
UWorld - "How much do I need to read the explanations?"
Passing USMLE Step 1 summer 2024 onwards
USMLE - "When is ideal time to study BIOSTATS during dedicated?"
How to Pass USMLE Step 1 ASAP in 2023
"What is safe % on NBMEs / Free 120 to pass USMLE?"
"Is it normal to feel like I failed USMLE even though my NBMEs were decent?"
USMLE - "Should I use Goljan audios / Podcasts?"
"What is fastest / most efficient way to go thru UWorld?"
Ideal way to prep for USMLE Step 1
"How long should total USMLE preparation take?"
Brand new HY PDF release
Decline of UWorld: Why UW will no longer be on top in 5 years
"What's ideal way to prepare for psych/behavioral science, biostats, and ethics?"
"What order should I go thru the Mehlmanmedical HY PDFs, and how many pages/day?"