34545 подписчиков
199 видео
ALL 66 Anemoculus Locations | Genshin Impact
ALL 10 Mondstadt Shrine of Depths | Genshin Impact
ALL 518 Mondstadt Chests Locations | Genshin Impact
How to unlock the Domain Cecilia Garden | Puzzle | Genshin Impact
Flighty Flora... and Flora | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Mondstadt and its Archon | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Windrise, Windfall | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Question and Answer | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Equivalent Exchange | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Lingering Malady | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Thief-Catcher | World Quest | Genshin Impact
After the Storm | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering | The Chasm Delvers | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Treasure Lost, Treasure Found | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Fishing For Jade | World Quest | Genshin Impact
ALL 225 Violetgrass Locations | Efficient Farming Route | Genshin Impact
Fertilizer... Salesperson? | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Relics of Seirai | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Valor's Afterglow | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Octave of the Maushiro | Through the Mists | World Quest | Genshin Impact
ALL 78 Windwheel Aster Locations | Efficient Farming Route | Genshin Impact
The Millennial Mountains | World Quest | Genshin Impact
The Very Special Fortune Slip | World Quest Series | Genshin Impact
Shitoki | Illusions in Tsurumi | Puzzle | Genshin Impact
Komaki's Fortune | Puzzle | Genshin Impact
ALL 55 Dendrobium Locations | Efficient Farming Route | Genshin Impact
Share Not Your Treasures | World Quest | Genshin Impact
ALL 63 Dandelion Seed Locations | Efficient Farming Route | Genshin Impact
"The Seventh Samurai" | World Quest | Genshin Impact
The Great Mountain Survey | World Quest | Genshin Impact
ALL 86 Valberry Locations | Efficient Farming Route | Genshin Impact
Treasure Marks | Puzzle | Genshin Impact
ALL 82 Small Lamp Grass Locations | Efficient Farming Route | Genshin Impact
Ah, Fresh Meat! | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Chise | Illusions in Tsurumi | Puzzle | Genshin Impact
Pizza From Another Land | World Quest | Genshin Impact
How to unlock the Domain Formation Estate | Puzzle | Genshin Impact
Rero | Illusions in Tsurumi | Puzzle | Genshin Impact
A Land Entombed | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Endless Research | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Three Divine Birds from Gingyun Peak | Puzzle | Genshin Impact
ALL 80 Lumenspar Locations | Genshin Impact
Clean House | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Treatment on the Island | World Quest | Genshin Impact
A Dish Beyond Mortal Ken | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Kito and Kina | Illusions in Tsurumi | Puzzle | Genshin Impact
ALL 190 Amakumo Fruit Locations | Efficient Farming Route | Genshin Impact
The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees | Through the Mists | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Time and Wind | World Quest | Genshin Impact
Temaria Game | World Quest | Genshin Impact
ALL 79 Onikabuto Locations | Efficient Farming Route | Genshin Impact