19 тысяч подписчиков
225 видео
DSC-44-Algorithm for inserting node at the end of Linked List|
DSC-43-Algorithm for inserting node at beginning of Linked List|
DSC-42 - Traversal Algorithm of Linked List|
DSC-41 - Linked List| Node creation code| linked list|
DSC-40 - Linked List| Introduction to linked list|
DSC-39 - Linked List| Introduction to linked list|
2nd PUC Computer Science|How was your exam??|Thank you
2nd PUC Computer Science Key Answers|
2nd PUC Computer Science|Easy Preparation|
2nd PUC Computer Science|Part - E SQL|
2nd PUC Computer Science|Important questions |
2nd PUC Computer Science|MCQ & model paper|Part-2|
2nd PUC Computer Science passing package
DSC-23- Stack Program - Push and Pop operation-part-3|
C -28 - Formatted input and output functions in C|Session -28|
C-74 - Strings in C|
C-93-Functions in C|Passing Array elements to function|Part-1|
C-108- Types of Pointers|NULL Pointer|
C-109- Types of Pointers|Dangling Pointer|
C-107- Types of Pointers|void pointer|
C-31-Programs on unformatted i/o functions|Session-31|
C-150-realloc() function|Dynamic Memory Allocation |Part-4|
C-123 - typedef structure in C|
C-69 - Sum of individual rows and columns of a matrix in C|
C-110- Types of Pointers|Wild Pointer|
C-90- Types of Recursion|
C-146- Program to copy the contents of one file into another in File handling|Part-20|
C-141- r+ mode in File handling|Part-15|
C-139-Append mode in Files|Files in C|Part-12|