34 тысяч подписчиков
409 видео
5/10- HDF5 with Python: How to Create Groups and Subgroups in HDF5 Files
Python Tips & Tricks: Recursion in Python
Python Tips & Tricks: Any and All functions
Univariate Analysis: Categorical Variables
Python Tips & Tricks: Nested Functions in Python
Docker Training 23/29: Working with Volumes (Mounting Volume) 1/2
4- NumPy Array Operations
31- Pandas DataFrames: Mapping
Coprimeness (Coprime Numbers): Check if two numbers are coprime
11- NumPy Arrays using the Spyder IDE
24- Pandas DataFrames: JSON File Read and Write
39: Pandas DataFrames: Dimensions of DataFrame .. Number of Rows/Columns
Python Tips & Tricks: Lambda Expression with One Line if
Semantic Web Tutorial 2/14: Overview of URLs, URIs and Namespaces
34- Pandas DataFrames: Aggregation
Docker Training 22/29: Apache Web Server and PHP Docker Image (Dockerfile)
Python Tips & Tricks: The filter Function in Python
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 3/27: Connecting to MySQL Server
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 27/27: Import using LOAD DATA
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 7/27: Creating / Deleting Tables
Docker Training 27/29: Docker Inspect (Image/Container and volume details)
Range Normalisation/Scaling 2/4: PHP Script for Range Normalisation
Docker Training 7/29: Docker Image vs Container
MySQL from a PHP Script 4/8: Create/Delete Table(s) in MySQL
21- Pandas DataFrames: Loading/Reading CSV Files
9/10- HDF5 with Python: How to Create HDF5 Files using Pandas
37- Pandas DataFrames: Renaming the Index
Docker Training 12/29: Some Docker Commands (list images and containers)
Docker Training 29/29: Docker Hub (to Upload or Download Images)
4/10- HDF5 with Python: How to Read HDF5 Files
Python Tips & Tricks: The reduce Function in Python
48- Pandas DataFrames: Generating Histogram Plots
Python Tips & Tricks: Boolean Indices
Python Tips & Tricks: Chaining Comparison Operators
28- Pandas DataFrames: Reshaping, Stacking and Unstacking
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 25/27: Export using SQLDUMP (with Import using mysql)
33- Pandas DataFrames: GroupBy .. Apply Operations and Functions
Python Tips & Tricks: Find Most Frequent Element in a List (The Mode)
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 15/27: The DELETE Statement/Query/Command
Python Tips & Tricks: Sets and Set Operations
Docker Training 19/29: Container Networking Basics
Java Implementation of the Perceptron Algorithm
Python Tips & Tricks: Swap Two Variables in Place
Python Tips & Tricks: Debugging in Python
Python Tips & Tricks: File Locking
KubeNow Tutorial 6/7: Deploy Galaxy
30- Pandas DataFrames: Dealing with Duplicate Values
47- Pandas DataFrames: Generating Bar and Line Plots
9- NumPy: Array Transpose
WEKA API 3/19: Converting CSV to ARFF and ARFF to CSV