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118 видео
Excel 8 grade Module 6f Tree parts and functions, Части дерева и их функции на английском
8 Excel Module 8a Festive Food Calendar, Календарь фестивалей
Песня про весну для начальных классов на английском языке. SPRING IS HERE
Excel 6 grade ex. 1 p. 73 Parks around the world, Across cultures 6d
Excel 8 grade Module 5 b Moby Dick, To the sea, Herman Melville
Excel 9 grade Module 6a Reading 6a Festivals blog
Excel 9 grade p. 104 Square- eyed teens Английский язык
Excel 8 grade Module 7f, ex. 1 p. 84 Illegal Souvenirs
Excel 8 grade Module 9d p. 106 A job interview
9 Excel Linkingeast and west ex. 1 p. 96
9 grade Everyday English 7d Inviting/Accepting/Refusing
Excel 8 grade Module 6b The Great Sphinx
Excel 9 grade Module 6f Remembrance day in Australia
Excel 9 grade p.106 Everyday English 9 d Complaining about a faulty product Английский язык
Excel 5 My fun job 5 grade Module 4 a, p 46
Excel 9 grade , 5 b, Jules Verne, A journey to the centre of the Earth p. 56
Excel 9 Module 7c, ex. 6 p. 81 Conversation between two friends. Диалог между двумя друзьями
Excel 9 grade module 6, Traditions and language
Excel 9 grade Module 5 C, The worth of wealth, page 58
Excel 5 grade Module 7 Fantasy World Animals. Животные на английском языке
Excel 5 grade Module 7g The Jungle book VIDEO. Книга джунглей
Excel 6 grade Writing 5 g An email giving advice p. 63
Adjectives of appearance in English. Прилагательные внешности на английском языке.
Excel 5 Grade 5 Module 7 Across the Curriculum 7 F Birds Птицы на английском языке
Excel 6 grade OLIVER TWIST p.42 Video
Appearance in English, Слова - описание внешности на английском языке
Winter's poems for children. Стихи про зиму для детей на английском языке
Майкл Коул, культурно - историческая психология. Теория артефактов
Excel 5 grade Module 6 d The two giants Video
Autumn's poems, poems about autumn. Стихи про осень на английском языке
Excel 5 grade p 97 8 Module Sports
Excel 6 grade across cultures 5e Health services around the world ex. 1 p. 61
Tongue Twisters in English Скороговорки на английском языке для детей
Happy mother's day The 8 th of march Happy Women’s Day! Восьмое марта, стих про маму на английском
Excel 6 grade Everyday English 5 d Asking/talking about health
Excel 9 grade page 108 Across the curriculum 9 F ex.1 p. 108 What's in a computer? Английский язык
Excel 9 grade Across cultures 9 e ex.1 p. 107 The world of science
Excel 5 grade p 95 7g The Jungle Book Mowgli Маугли Книга джунглей на английском языке краткое
Excel 6 grade Module 5 C, Takeaway food p 58
Accessories in English. Аксессуары на английском языке.
Excel 6 grade Types of holiday & holiday activities ex.1 p. 65
Excel 9 grade Edutainment 5 Scary creatures
Excel 5 grade Module 6b Robin Hood Робин гуд
Excel 5 grade Module 5 c The Samruk Magic bird, Ilyas Yesenberlin
Excel 5 grade Module 5j An email about an event you attended
Excel 9 grade Module 6с, Skills 6c Nauryz
Excel 5 grade Module 4 d Asking for/ giving personal information (A job interview)
Excel 9 grade Across Cultures 6e, Eco - Festivals
Excel 9 grade Module 7, Music and film, Types of films
Excel 8 grade Module 7a. Become an Urban explorer, Means of transport