7 тысяч подписчиков
410 видео
Why should you try and masturbation sleeve?
Testosterone Injection: How to Draw Up the Dosage
Tips For Bottoming:
How to do an Intramuscular Testosterone Injection
Why Do You Use TRT First Rather Than Clomid or HCG?
Getting Pregnant with Delayed Ejaculation
Treating Men with Low Libido/Low Sex Drive
The Average Sperm Load When Ejaculating
Butt Plugs... Who are they for?
Why are the testes located outside the body? Welcome to Biology 101!
Can you have premature ejaculation at 20 years old?
How do we normalize talking about sex?
Vaginal Dilation Vs. Anal Dilation
What are some of the psychological causes of erectile dysfunction in younger men?
After using dilators will your anus go back to its original size?
Self-Touch For Beginners
Is Albolene a good lubricant?
How much solo play is too much?
What about using metal cock rings?
My Husband Masturbates. What should I do?
Should men get prostate exams?
Why are breakups so painful?
Asking people at a wine festival if they know what these are…
Should I Be Treated with Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Beyond Orgasms The Unexpected Benefits of Self Exploration
Self touch during relationships? Here’s some things you should know!
Does watching porn cause erectile dysfunction?
POV: he understands vibrators are his teammate not his competition.
Does the need to urinate cause morning wood?
Does age play a role in lack of morning wood?
What can you do if your SSRI is impacting your sexual function?
Back to School with Maze: Anatomy 101, why does it hurt to get kicked in the balls?
Is there an age in which you should not have a Varicocele fixed?
At what age should you start getting your PSA tested?
Back to School with Maze: Psychology 101- How do you keep your sex life alive throughout the year?
What did the Traverse study conclude about taking testosterone if you have high blood pressure?