3 тысяч подписчиков
171 видео
Django Built in Authentication
8051 Assembly Programming Interfacing character LCD 16x2 with Proteus Simulation
React Hook Forms in T3 Stack with Default Values and tRPC Prisma Update Query
STM32 FreeRTOS LED Blink Example | FreeRTOS STM32 Blink Example
STM8 TIMER 4 example | STM8 Timer Tutorial | STM8 Cosmic C | STM8 delay_us | STM8 delay_ms
Pass Data from Child to Parent in React js Typescript project
Next js tutorial for tailwind css setup in T3 Stack Project
Python NLP Sentiment Analysis using TensorFlow Deep Learning Example using LSTM Neural Network
Raspberry Pi GPIO Button Interfacing in Python using RPI GPIO Library
Next Auth Sign in with credentials Prisma js using SQLite3 Database
Understanding Django Messages framework | Passing success and error messages
MATLAB regionprops bounding box | centroid | MATLAB Image Processing | Lecture#06
Nextjs Links
Lecture #04 | How to create if else in assembly language 8051
Git Branching strategy | GitHub Branching
Arduino - Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 Interfacing Example and Explaination of the theory behind.
ssdlite mobilenet v2 with opencv on raspberry pi 3 b+| Raspberry Pi Object detection with SSD Lite
Arduino Countdown timer with 4 digit 7 segment display TM1637
STM8 Led blinking | STM8S assembly Language bare metal from scratch | STM8S led blinking
How to make Digital Clock using Arduino Nano and DS3231 RTC Module display on TM1637 7 segment
What is Embedded Programming?
STM32 Keil Tutorial #03 | STM32 USART TX example | How to transmit data over USART in STM32?
STM32 Blink LED on STM32F4 discovery board STM32CubeIDE
Face Detection OpenCV Python
Node js + Peer js + Socket io, Audio Video Peer to Peer Calling
Raspberry PI GPIO LED Blink code in Python
nodemcu data to firebase and android kotlin
Arduino Python GUI for Incremental Motor Encoder
How to interface DHT11 with Arduino UNO |How to install dht11 library in arduino| dht11 arduino code
Arduino + C# SerialPort.Readline | C# serial communication Arduino | C# winform
STM32 USART Receive data Example using Keil Uvision 5 | STM32 Programming Tutorial #04
Tiva C UART Configuration: Solving Baud Rate Issues on TM4C123 with Keil
Svelte Kit Creating Popup Modals with Tailwind CSS
solar wind wapda hybrid inverter prototype
Arduino+Django+MPU6050 Sending data to Django API for Live Data update
Master Embedded C: Dynamic Memory Allocation in C with malloc()
June 25, 2024
Arduino+HC05 Bluetooth module sending DHT11 temperature humidity thermistor temperature and sound
Digital clock + Stopwatch for Sports Complex
How to use ESP32 with Arduino IDE? | ESP32 LED Blinking with Arduino IDE
Abdul Rehman 2050 is live!
Transfer Learning For Dog Breed Classification With Tensorflow Mobilenetv2 Model
April 9, 2024
Nodemcu + DS18b20 + DHT11 + firebase realtime database
FastAPI Docker Quick and Easy Setup | Deploy FastAPI with Docker in minutes along with TensorFlow
Build a Solar Charge Controller from Scratch with Arduino & Proteus Simulation | Part 1
ESP32 CAM QR code scanner to fetch patient vitals from server
Learn Embedded System Along with me
OpenCV python+ Arduino color based object detection Real time
Arduino+ DecisionTree from Python to C: Real-time Machine Learning on Embedded Systems