12 тысяч подписчиков
318 видео
when you rick roll the hackers #rickrolled #javascript #cybersecurity
Python developers shitting on other programming languages for no reason
Java Developers separating their code into 20 different classes
Learn Java Spring Boot
I just want to talk to him
Java Spring Boot [2024] Part 4: Validation
Excel Spreadsheets with Java using Apache POI
Intro to Automation Part 6: Test Runner Tags
camelCase PascalCase snake_case kabab-case hungarian notation
Spring Boot pt. 12: Dependency Injection and @Autowired explained
Spring Boot pt. 36: Security (2/9) - User Details Service & Password Encoder
What is a library?
when I'm shitting on javascript and the typescript developer thinks I'm on his side
int vs Integer in Java
literally Googled "what does apache poi stand for" and now here we are
Java Lombok's Builder Pattern in 60 seconds
Java is heaven, javascript is hell
I lied, put your clothes back on. We're going to learn C++
What's the difference between array[] and ArrayList in Java?
Spring Boot pt. 19: JDBC, JPA, Hibernate & Spring Data explained
Java Developers be like
the interns doing meaningless tasks per their senior developer
Nobody: Java's Garbage collector:
Why its so hard to get a job as a software developer (1/2)
when your programming language is ordained by God
when I review the junior dev's code but he's programming in light mode
programming in java until i get a null pointer exception
Java Optionals in 60 seconds
my senior developer on the last day of the sprint
Life if every documentation was as good as Angular's
Nobody: Frontend Developers:
why do we always blame the intern? he ain't do nothing 😭
when Russia asks Google for a bajillion dollars
when a TypeScript developer uses any
class Dog implements Train
I just tell the truth
Why its so hard to get a job as a software developer (2/2)
I stole audio from @sophiniweenie Ain't no way they asking for tipping in the terminal now
Spring Boot pt. 9: Command Handler and Custom Validation
Spring Boot pt. 47 Spring Starter Validation @Valid
Java Spring Boot [2024] Part 3: Exception Handling
Java Spring Boot [2024] Part 5: Query String Params, @Query, Spring Data JPA, Repository Methods
Spring Boot pt. 20: Custom Queries @Query
Spring Boot pt. 49 Auto-Generating Tables & Columns
Spring Boot pt. 13: DTOs (Data Transfer Objects)
Java Lombok in 60 seconds