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396 видео
Opening and charging the laptop battery and repairing the BMS circuit
how to control directions of dc motor forward and reverse
How to make a Dowels in different sizes.Instead of buying it
Small stove. How to make a small stove using simple tools
Battery lasts a lifetime. It never ends over time
DIY these crafts and save your money
Make a very powerful battery that lights up the ring light when the power goes out
CNC router for engraving and drawing on wood. Mounting clamps accessories
How to make a super unusual battery powered ring light?
DC motor speed control.
How to make a test pen for all electronic circuits and connections?
How to light a 3 volt LED from 12 volts
Electric piston press 10 tons
4 Creative Ideas and Tricks from Another World
Battery with multiple outputs . Different voltages for many uses
The wonderful peltier. Extreme cold and high heat. Many uses.
How to make a multi-stage compass to make giant circles
How to make wooden nails in an easy and simple way. like ready made
CNC router for engraving and drawing on wood. Wood dust Extractor accessories
Make drum and disk sander 45/90 °
How to repair power supply easily
Make a touch test pen for all electronic circuits?
These equipments and tools must be made by yourself.
Make RPM device to know the number of revolutions of a motor
How to make an emergency light using lithium ion batteries?
10 ton electric press for many uses. Excellent handmade
Make a 12 volt 12 amp battery using lithium ion batteries.
portable air conditioner 12 volt very practical using a peltier
Make your own 12 volt 9 amp battery using lithium ion batteries.