25 тысяч подписчиков
141 видео
Advanced SQL: Joins (INNER JOIN)
Database Application Development: Generating HTML Tables with PHP and MySQL (Learning Activity)
Advanced SQL: SQL/PSM Routines (Triggers)
Data Protection: Auditing
Database Application Development: Generating HTML Tables with PHP and MySQL
SQL DDL: Creating Tables (Unique and Auto-increment)
SQL DQL: Querying Records (Boolean Operators & NULL Values)
Data Protection: Database Security and SQL Injections
Relational Database Modeling: Integrity Constraints
Firewalls: Application Proxy Firewall
Advanced SQL: Multiple Joins
Firewalls: Interesting but Scary Statistics
NoSQL: Creating Databases in MongoDB
Advanced SQL: Joins (NATURAL JOIN)
SQL DDL: Creating Tables (Foreign Keys and Default Values)
Database Application Development: Inserting Into a MySQL Database Using PHP
Database Application Development: Universal Code for Generating HTML Tables with PHP and MySQL
NoSQL: Counting, Sorting, and Limiting Documents in MongoDB
ERD: Associative Entities
SQL DCL: Granting and Revoking Privileges
Host Hardening: Group Policy Objects
ERD: Relationship Cardinalities
ERD: Attributes
NoSQL: Deleting Documents, Collections, and Databases in MongoDB
SQL DDL: Removing Objects
Database Application Development: Creating and Using Forms with PHP and MySQL (Learning Activity)
Database Application Development: Creating and Using Forms with PHP and MySQL
ERD Summary
Advanced SQL: Self Joins
Normalization: Transitive Functional Dependencies
Relational Database Modeling: Summary Example
NoSQL: Creating Collections in MongoDB
Advanced SQL: Views
Normalization: Functional Dependency Summary Steps
NoSQL: Updating Documents and Altering Fields in MongoDB