12 тысяч подписчиков
57 видео
I Made a Tool to Win Geoguessr Every Time! Here’s How It Works
Create this Sprite Animation with JavaScript and CSS
StackOverflow Survey 2024 (quick overview)
How To Deploy your website for FREE with Cloudflare Pages and use custom domain with Namecheap
CrowdStrike: A coding mistake that blew up millions of Windows machines (BSOD outage)
I almost got hacked!
What is CSS Reset? What is CSS Normalize?
The State Of JavaScript - discover the latest trends
Angular - All about pipes (Custom pipe, Pure and Impure)
Upgrading DREVO Gramr 84 ($50 keyboard) - Glorious panda
Websocket Candy Dispenser - Earn your candy (Angular, Node, Raspberry PI)
JavaScript - "use strict" (what is Strict Mode ?)
TypeScript #5 - Type Assertions
Running and Building Ionic Apps with Capacitor or Cordova (iOS and Android)
AngularFire Setup #Shorts
TypeScript #4 - Interfaces, Classes and Implementing an Interface
Emoji snow animation - No Canvas (Angular)
TypeScript #3 - Basic Types
Angular - View Encapsulation (quickie)
HTML Canvas Snow Effect (with JavaScript)
Controlling Arduino with JavaScript (getting started with johnny-five)
Image hover effect (circle caption) css
Angular Directives - Making a simple attribute directive (quickie)
Angular - ng-content (quickie)
Implementing QR code vCard in IONIC / ANGULAR
Angular - Resolve & automatic loading spinner with overlay
Super simple button hover effect with CSS/HTML
Building a chrome extension with angular
Angular Component interaction via a service
HTML Responsive Table Tutorial
TypeScript #2 - Debugging & Source-Maps
TypeScript - Generics #6
Angular - Interpolation and Property Binding