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70 видео
Zemědělská - Farming song (Czech Communist Song) [English Translation]
Левый марш (Left March) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Интернационал (The Internationale - Russian) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Походная Халхин Гольская (Khalkhin-Gol Marching Song) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Винтовочка (Little Rifle) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Направление - Прага (Toward Prague) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Песня о встречном (Song about a passer-by) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Конная Будённого (Budyonny's Cavalry) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Строим БАМ (Building the BAM) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Эн Комсомол - A Yakut Komsomol song (Yakut & Romanized lyrics)
Песня о родине - Song about the Homeland (Soviet Political Short Film) [English Subtitles]
Интернационал - Internationale (Soviet Political Short Film) [English Subtitles]
(First version of the) Lugansk People's Republic Anthem [English Translation]
Собирались казаченьки (Eng Rus and Romanized Subtitles)
С одесского кичмана (From an Odessan Jail) [Eng. Rus.* and Romanized Lyrics]
Kremlin Announcer's Speech May 1st 1974 (English Translation)
Большевиков Достойный Сын (Worthy Son of the Bolsheviks) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Будьте здоровы, живите богато. (Be well, live richly.) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Быть солдату начеку (For a Soldier to be on Alert) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Куба - любовь моя (Cuba - my love) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Свободе юность верна (Youth is Loyal to Freedom) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Батальон Линкольна (The Lincoln Battalion) [English Translation]
Introduction of the 7 Unclean Pairs [Мистерия Буфф / Mystery Bouffe 1982] (Eng Translation)
Їхав козак за Дунай (Ukrainian Folk Song) [Eng. Rus. Ukr. and Romanized Lyrics]
Если завтра война (If tomorrow There is War) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
А как наши космонавты (Oh how our cosmonauts) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Without the Communist Party, There Would be No New China (Russian) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Москва майская (Moscow in May) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Товарищ песня (Comrade Song) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Прощание славянки - Slavic Woman's Farewell (1993 Protest Version) [English Translation]
The Revolution and Speech [Мистерия Буфф / Mystery Bouffe 1982] (Eng Translation)
Вдоль деревни (Along the Village) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Волховская застольная (Volkhov Drinking Song) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Едут новоселы (Newcomers are on their way) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Знаете, каким он парнем был - (You know what kind of guy he was) [Eng. Rus. and Romanized Lyrics]
Смело, товарищи, в ногу (Eng. Rus. and Romanized lyrics)
El Pueblo Unido in Russian